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Search Results For: Shame
MInistering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials
Book Review by Scott Hedley
Tags: honor, honor-shame cultures, shame
This book was eye-opening to me, a Westerner, in that it helped me to better understand my ministry colleagues in Asia. Understanding the concepts in this book is also important to the global...
Honor/Shame Sub-Cultures in the U.S.
Tags: american, church, gamgs, honor, shame, subcultures
While shame may be primary in some societies, it is present to some degree in all cultures. And honor and shame are dominant influences in many pockets of American society in which public praise...
Honour/Shame Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Tags: collectivistic, fear, guilt, honor, shame, sub-saharan africa
“A thief is only a thief when caught with the goods”— Setswana proverb
My husband and I have been discipling and mentoring believers in Botswana since 2001. Like many others, we have been...
The Right/Wrong Mindset
Tags: guilt, honor, right, shame, wrong
[Editorial note: This article has been excerpted from the chapter entitled "Guilt-Based Culture" from the book Honor and Shame: Unlocking the Door by Roland Muller.]
Right versus wrong is the...
The Good News for Muslims in Honor-Based Cultures
Tags: good news, honor, islam, muslims, shame
We often present the Gospel simply as forgiveness for our sins. But Jesus died not just to take away our sins, but to take away our shame, our fear, our...
Honor and Shame Beyond the Gospel
Tags: arabs, gospel, honor, muslims, shame
Back in 1999, I was sharing with a fellow missionary my struggles in communicating the gospel with Muslims. His offhand comment completely changed my world: “That’s because Arabs live in a...
Quick Guide to Honor/Shame Dynamics in the Bible
Tags: bible, guide, honor, shame
Click on the image.
Why has the Church Lost “Face”?
Examining Our Blindspot About Honor and Shame
Tags: blindspot, china, chinese, face, honor, shame
Once again I found myself in the same conversation. The missionary shook his head and said, “That’s fine if you want to talk about ‘face’ as a gospel ‘bridge.’ But, ultimately, you have to talk...
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
The Gospel the World is Waiting For
Tags: guilt, honor, roman road, shame, upgs
As our team in Central Asia was preparing to host a training for national church-planting partners, I took advantage of the opportunity to dialogue with the six national believers on our team about...