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Search Results For: Native American
When Mission Threatens
Tags: ethnicity, evangelism, native american
“Welcome to my country,” he said with a gleam in his eye as he shook my hand. I was attending a powwow here in Pasadena, and the irony of the greeting was not lost on me. He represented the...
Walking Out the Gospel Among the People
Tags: ministry, native american
It was April, 2001 in Cottonwood, Arizona. For the first time in our lives, my wife Jan and I experienced a worship service where Native American instruments and traditional regalia were allowed....
The Sweat Lodge
Can God Use It?
Tags: native american
Numerous Native American tribes use a sweat lodge ceremony as a place of prayer, dedication and worship. The Lakota people call it the inipi ceremony. As a spiritual tradition, it has been...
Making Jesus Known in Knowable Ways
Tags: native american
“I was made to burn and destroy all my tribal carvings, eagle feathers, and my dance outfit because the pastor told me now that I was a Christian, old things passed away and all things became new,...
The Journey of “Hole in the Clouds”
Tags: native american
My journey began in the spring of 1988 while working with the Indian Workers Conference of the United Methodist Church in Michigan. Here I accepted God’s call to help lead a new approach to...
Jesus Lives as Good Medicine for my People
Tags: native american
I am Dakelh from the Bear Clan in Nadleh Whut En, an Athabaskan Carrier tribe in Northern British Columbia, Canada. I was baptized a Catholic and came to a personal faith in Jesus Christ when I was...
That the Natives Might Lift Jesus Up
A conversation with Richard Twiss.
Tags: native american
Richard Twiss is the president of Wiconi International, whose vision is to see Native people find faith and life in Jesus Christ and fulfill their God-given place in the Body of Christ worldwide (...
Taking it to the Nations
Native Americans Making an Impact Around the Globe
Tags: native american
As the curtain opened, the silhouette of two men began to take shape through the blue fog shrouding the stage. The rhythm of their drum could be heard throughout the auditorium where more than 1000...
Putting It to the Test
A look at congegrations that are aiming to worship with native forms
Tags: native american
Next Sunday morning put on a blindfold before going to church. If you attend a Latino church you will soon know by the sound of the worship music that you are in the right place. The same will be...