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Search Results For: Perspectives
40 Years of the USCWM/Frontier Ventures and the Unreached Peoples Movement
What Progress Have We Made
Tags: 40th anniversary, frontier ventures, perspectives, unreached, uscwm
Mobilizing Into the Future
Tags: class, mobilization, perspectives
Forty years ago Ralph Winter gathered a small number of Urbana Mission Conference students at Wheaton College. Who knew that what started there would turn into a mobilization movement that would...
Perspectives Global
The Power of Partnership
Tags: frontier ventures, perspectives, perspectives global
The Perspectives Global network has grown steadily over the last twelve years. Today there are well-established autonomous national study programs on every continent, in eleven countries. There are...
The Final Assault: Hastening
Tags: church in the city, finishing the task, kingdom movement, perspectives, t4t
Excerpted from Book One of a Two-part Saga about Finishing the Task.
Projected release 2nd quarter of 2014. For notification of availability, or to inquire about advance order discounts, email...
Reaching the Nations in Your Community
Tags: diaspora, migration, perspectives, research, urbanization
From Gujarati Hindus residing in Jersey City, to Lao Buddhists of Portland, Oregon, to Kurds in Nashville, Tennessee—God is bringing the nations into U.S. communities large and small, and the...
Giving and Receiving Strategies
Tags: mission, perspectives
It’s commonplace in missions today to emphasize the need to let new believers decide what is best in their context, under the prayerful guidance of the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his...
Tags: perspectives
Ralph Winter has significantly shaped the priorities and practice of many mission agencies and even more local churches around the world. One of the well-known avenues of influence for Winter’s...
Perspectives National Conference
Tags: perspectives
Imagine attending an event where all the people are extremely committed to the same goal. There is no need for convincing people to get on the same page—they already are. There is no agenda to...
Learning From the Global Family of God
Tags: perspectives, worldview
We were all ready. We’d just finished seminary and had a sense of excitement about the future. One of my classmates was “Sam.” Sam and I had both been to southeast Asia during a short term a few...
What’s Happening in the Global Perspectives Family?
Tags: perspectives
Have you ever met distant relatives for the first time and were astounded by how you are very much alike? Yet this is no mystery, for we share DNA with family members.
In Amsterdam in April 2003...