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Search Results For: Training
Next 40 Years
Tags: frontier ventures, mission, mobilization, training, unreached people group
When Ralph D. Winter shared the vision for the unreached at Lausanne, most church and mission leaders around the world knew little about the concept. Information from around the world...
Next Steps in Ethnodoxology
Tools and Resources
Tags: ethnodoxology, links, opportunities, resources, tools, training
Now that you know more about the imortant role of ethnodoxology in cross-cultural ministry--especially as it relates to frontier missions--why not begin exploring more? What follows are a number of...
Empowering Widows
with Orality-Framed Training
Tags: empowerment, orality, training, village, widows
A few years ago, a not-for-profit group conducted research on the village of Ambam in order to understand some of our major problems. In the process they found that in this village of 1200 people,...
What Makes a CPM Training Fruitful?
Tags: assessment, church-planting movement, training
Some Church Planting Movement trainings produce massive fruit. Other trainings appear good, but produce little fruit in the long run. What makes the difference? Why are some trainings so...
Further Reflections
Training in Action
Tags: frontiers, mission, training
During a major event in Southeast Asia this week, I met a young global worker. I mean really young…like 20-years young. He is 1.5 years into a 3-year commitment in this Southeast Asian nation, on...
Lead Muslims to Christ Now!
Tags: discipleship, evangelism, islam, muslim, storytelling, training
Any-3 is a five-step process which starts with getting acquainted and leads to discovering whether the Holy Spirit is at work in that person’s life to convict them of sin and prepare...
Equipping the People of God for the Mission of God
How Are We Doing?
Tags: american evangelical, disciple, discipleship, equipping, training
Seven years ago, I wrote an article for this magazine entitled “What DNA Are We (Really) Reproducing?” (Mission Frontiers, July 2006) In that article I questioned the ability of the American...
Equipping the People of God for the Mission of God
How Are We Doing?
Tags: discipleship, the guild, training
Framing a New Model of Training Cross-Cultural Church Planters
Tags: church, cross-cultural, leadership, planters, training
Confusion of massive proportions is taking place across the missionary enterprise. Great cultural change in the world has thwarted both young and old so that many are unable to...
From the Editor
Our Mission Demands the Most Effective Training Available
Tags: discipelship, training, tribute, twiss
Making disciples of Jesus from every tribe, tongue, people and nation is the most important job in the world. It not only transforms the lives of people here in this world but also for all eternity...