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Search Results For: Discipleship
The Least of These
Tags: church planting, discipleship, mission, unreached people group
IN MATTHEW 25 JESUS IS ASKED WHO WILL get into the kingdom of Heaven and He answers, “When you saw me hungry you gave me food, and when you saw me naked you gave me clothes, and when you saw me in...
Cutting Loose The Anchors That Keep Us From Movements
Tags: church planting, church planting movements, discipleship, gendercide, mission, unreached people group
I AM SURE IT IS NO SURPRISE to our regular readers that I believe that Church Planting Movements are the biblical means, modeled by Jesus and Paul, whereby Jesus followers can become...
Cultivating “4th Soil” Disciples in Ourselves and Others
Tags: 4th soil, disciples, discipleship, roma
The Roma, they are the people of myth, legend and media creations. They are commonly known by the name, Gypsy, given to them by outsiders. Most of us have images in our minds of what “Gypsies” are...
The Commissioning of a Generation
It’s all about Obedience
Tags: church planting, church planting movements, discipleship, missions movements
This very moment, there are believers around the world on the cusp of taking the next step for the Lord. In the eyes of some, that step may seem small, like sharing the gospel with a coworker, or...
Launching a Global Movement of Movements
Tags: church planting, discipleship, missions movements
Over six years ago I came to a stunning realization that changed my life and ministry forever. As a member of Frontier Ventures and a “disciple” of Ralph Winter, I am fully committed to the...
The Zume Project Igniting The Spark
Tags: church, church planting, discipleship, movement, unreached
We, as believers, have been given many sure and precious promises from the Lord that anchor us to an eternal hope and an eternal victory. Promises such as every people group on the planet having a...
Planting Rapidly Reproducing Churches
Tags: church planting, disciple-making movements, discipleship
The principles in this article are gleaned from experience in planting rapidly reproducing churches in China. They were then tested through training, coaching and mentoring church planters serving...
The Current State of America
Tags: churches, discipleship, mission
There are two sides to every story. Life eventually teaches all of us that. It is with this perspective that I want to pull back the curtain and take a look into the state of Christianity in...
The Zúme Project
its uniqueness and process
Tags: church planting, discipleship, missions movements
Luke 5 teaches us to listen to Jesus as we “launch out into the deep” for a great catch. As the disciples listened to Jesus and obeyed as he told them where to throw their nets, the ended up with...
The Essential Role of Vision-Casting in Movements
Tags: church planting, discipleship, mission
At the end of a full day of training in a remote house church in Asia, the breakthrough came. I had been sharing deeply from my heart about God’s heart for his kingdom to come fully to every lost...