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Search Results For: Movements
The Slippery Slide of Starting Movements
I saw a funny video some years back. The clip showed a kid trying to run up a slippery, wet slide. He would back up, get a running start and go for it with all his might. A few steps up the...
The Story of Movements and the Spread of the Gospel
Tags: movements
Luke begins the book of Acts by telling us that what Jesus began to do and teach, he now continues to do through his disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Luke’s story of the early church...
Patterns in Long-Lasting Movements
As I write, millions of acres are burning in Australia. Most attribute the fires to winds and climate change, but authorities have arrested over 180 people for starting the fires, 27...
Toward the Edges
What does Genesis 1–12 have to do with Movements?
In this edition of Mission Frontiers you will read about a large church that decided to redeploy itself around multiplying disciples for movements. As you know, disciples and movements are both...
The Rise & Fall of Movements
Tags: movements
The Council of Nicaea in AD 325 was the first worldwide gathering of Christian leaders. They represented the churches of North Africa, Europe, and the East as far as Persia.
The Emperor...
Let’s Finish the Race to Foster Movements in All Peoples!
Tags: kingdom movements, movements
On very rare occasions we take the time in MF to honor a remarkable individual who has made a significant contribution to our understanding and pursuit of the ultimate goal of world...
Why Some See Movements and Others Don’t
I was at a meeting with him in a large city in India. We were gathered for an organizational event that would start at 9 am. Waking early, as was my habit, I went into the hallway to get some...
Will We Hinder or Accelerate Movements? The Choice is Ours.
Tags: extraction evangelism, movements
Will We Hinder or Accelerate Movements? The Choice is Ours.
This is a serious problem! All over the world Christian workers are employing mission methods that hinder the development of...
24:14, The Best Hope for Reaching All Peoples. Are You In?
Tags: movements
In 1974 at the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, Dr. Ralph Winter pointed out the uncomfortable reality that we would never complete world evangelization at the rate the global church was...
Tags: movements
Movement. In the world of missions, the word evokes strong reactions. Is it, as advocates would say, the future of the Great Commission or is it simply a faddish, pragmatic pipe dream among certain...