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Search Results For: Hidden People
Hidden People Parties
Tags: hidden people, unreached people group
"Encouraging, to say the least!" Is the way John Holzmann, Hidden Peoples Party program director, characterizes the responses of party hosts. "I really wasn't expecting results as positive as those...
Hidden Peoples Parties - Cause for rejoicing
Tags: hidden people, unreached people group
"Forget the Sunday school attendance contests," John Holzmann quipped with a twinkle in his eye. "How about a contest to see how many new missionaries you can recruit?!"
Holzmann, Hidden Peoples...
Let’s Go Forward
Tags: hidden people, unreached people group
Jesus Christ: "My food is to do the will of God and to finish his work" (John 4:34)
Can we now send out 40,000 missionaries to save 17,000 other nations?
We sent out 10 million as soldiers and...
The Incredible Urbana Phenomenon
Tags: hidden people, mobilization, unreached people group, urbana
The great missionary movements of the past century began with a fresh new vision among college students for fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission among ALL NATIONS. The current movement among college...
Hidden in the 1920’s - Still Hidden!
Tags: hidden people, unreached people group
Rev. Herbert C. Long first went to India in 1916 the era of the Student Volunteer Movement as a missionary with the American Baptist Foreign Missions Society; he returned from his final term...
Introducing the Frontier Fellowship
Tags: hidden people, unreached people group
Hidden People Sunday Planning Kit
All materials necessary to plan and present a Hidden People Sunday in your church. Includes publicity, message suggestions, sample materials and handouts, etc....
Reflections of a Heart Aflame
Tags: finishing the task, hidden people, unreached people group
The following candid remarks were made by Ralph Winter at the close of the Frontier Fellowship meeting in Pasadena July 9, 1981. Dr. Winter followed Titus Tineau, a Christian and Missionary...