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Search Results For: Disciple-making Movement
Indigenous Movements
How Peoples are Reached
Tags: disciple-making movement, ekklesia, indigenous movements
Indigenous Movements: How Peoples are Reached
By 1975 Donald McGavran and Ralph Winter had guided 1,000 experienced missionaries in studying—globally, and in their own fields: “How are peoples...
Every Nation
Bless God Together
Tags: church planting, church planting movements, disciple-making movement, disciplemaking, mission
Many of you may know the Bible exceptionally well and may know its themes, its historical stories, and its teachings, but what you may not know is there is a continuous thread running from Genesis...
Baptism in Muslim Ministry
Time for Change
Tags: baptism, disciple-making movement, mbb, muslim
I was recently conducting my two-day training on Church Planting Essentials in a North African country among workers from a variety of agencies. While we were discussing “How to disciple...
T4T or DMM (DBS)? - Only God Can Start a Church-Planting Movement (Part 1 of 2)
Kingdom Kernels
Tags: church-planting movmenet, dbs, disciple-making movement, discovery bible study, dmm, t4t
The Spirit of God is launching Church-Planting Movements (CPMs) around the world, just as he has done at various times in history. With Acts-like DNA disciples, churches and leaders are multiplying...