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Search Results For: Technology
There’s an App for That
Technology Transforms Bible Translation
Tags: apps, technology, translation, wycliffe bible translators
Ask someone what they imagine when they think of Bible translation, and they might describe a linguist sitting alone at a simple desk in a remote village, poring over a Bible word by word and...
Achieving the Hope and Promise of Using Technology for Bible Translation While Avoiding the Pitfalls
Tags: bible translation, smart engine, sovee, technology
The Word of God is what changes lives and makes the growth of the Church possible in every people. Yet there are still thousands of languages that do not have a complete Bible and thousands more...
Bible Translation in the Digital Age
Tags: bible translation, community, digital age, technology
The author of Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation, says that “change happens when you take a configuration and rearrange it in new ways.”[1] His point is that most new...
Bible Translation 3.0
Empowering the Global Church to Bring Abundant Access to the Scriptures to Every People
Tags: bible translation, global church, history, technology, wycliffe
Bible Translation in Transition
A major transition is occurring in Bible translation. This transition has been triggered by a foundational shift of historic proportions: the ownership of and...
A New Era in Bible Translation
Sovee Smart Engine & Community-Empowered Translation
Tags: bible translation, community, sovee, technology, the great commission
It has been 2000 years since the Lord Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” What is hindering the gospel’s progress in reaching all of the unreached people groups and languages? Is it...
Ownership—It’s What Makes Ministry Happen
From the Editor
Tags: bible translation, church-planting movmenet, technology
What is the one thing that is most deadly to the spread of the gospel to every tribe and tongue? Many would say the lack of money, manpower or vision. I believe it can be safely argued that...