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Search Results For: Extraction Evangelism
A Church in Every People
Plain Talk About a Difficult Subject
Tags: extraction evangelism, unreached people group
A Church in
Every People[1]
Plain Talk About a
Difficult Subject
by Dr. Donald A. McGavran
Introduction by Robby Butler, disciple of McGavran and Winter [2]
McGavran’s Legacy
Will We Hinder or Accelerate Movements? The Choice is Ours.
Tags: extraction evangelism, movements
Will We Hinder or Accelerate Movements? The Choice is Ours.
This is a serious problem! All over the world Christian workers are employing mission methods that hinder the development of...
Household Churches
Tags: church, community evangelism, extraction evangelism, movement, oikos
At the first Sunday meeting of a house church of eight in England, they set up a pulpit and invited an outside preacher! Such “house church” adaptations of a “dedicated building” church are...