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Search Results For: Music
A Framework for Incorporating the Arts in Short-Term Missions
Tags: arts, engagement, indigenous, missions, music, short-term mission
As I jotted down Hausa lyrics and melodies on a four-week visit to church members in Nigeria, I had no idea that eight years later a focus on the arts of others would become central to my life’s...
A Case for Contextualized, Artistic Communication in Mission
From the Editor
Tags: arts, contextualization, ethnodoxology, mission, music, worship
What did you think when you saw that strange new word—ethnodoxology—on the cover of Mission Frontiers? If it is unfamiliar now, it won’t be when you’re done with this issue. Twenty...
Worship and Mission for the Global Church
Tags: art, arts, contextualization, missions, music, worship
The Worship Wheel
Tags: asia, contextualized, indigenous, music, workshop, worship
We developed the Worship Wheel as a tool or set of modules for use in arts workshops with Christ-followers from indigenous minority groups in Asia.1 Many workshop participants have responded...
Culturally Appropriate Music
Lessons Learned from Mission History in Africa
Tags: africa, cultural, hymns, music, sub-saharan africa
Editor's Note: Selected portions of this essay have been adapted from Chapter 28 in Worship and Mission for the Global Church: An Ethnodoxology Handbook (hereafter Ethnodoxology Handbook) and from...
Bible Storying with the Creative Arts for Church Planting
Tags: arts, church planting, music, stories, storying, visual arts
August 1996: It was time for the festival celebrating the founding of Tsévié, the town where we were living in Togo. The stadium field was covered with traditional musical groups demonstrating...
The Love Motive
Tags: bible translation, democratic republic of congo, drc, love, mono, music
The truck’s wheels were spaced further apart than the rotting logs of the bridge. No way would we ever reach the dirt road on the other side. So the sixty or so Congolese pastors and I got out of...
Facilitating Local Arts Expressions for Kingdom Purposes
Tags: arts, ethnodoxology, missions, music, worship
I, Robin, had the opportunity to interview Brian Schrag about the guiding principles of ethnodoxology and its crucial role in cross-cultural ministry. Below is a portion of our conversation.1
The Psalms
Let All Nations Praise the Lord
Tags: benin, music, muslim, praise, psalms, singing
The biblical psalms have been the 3000-year songbook of devotion for God’s people for thousands of years. They have also been used in frontier missions among Unreached People Groups (UPGs).
Indigenized Christian Worship in India
Some Considerations
Tags: contextualized, india, indigenized, liturgy, music, worship
One of the greatest challenges of the Indian Christian church is its Western heritage. Most mainline denominations follow a Westernized liturgy and music in their worship. When missionaries came to...