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Search Results For: Poverty
Hope for the Nations
A Review of Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus' book The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution
Tags: book, book review, government, poverty, sustainable, the poverty of nations
From the Foreword:
“I’ve been waiting for a book like this for a long time. Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus have brilliantly written a work that is at the same time completely biblical, historical...
Raising Local Resources
30 to 50 Years From Now
Tags: legacy, missionaries, money, poverty, strategy
Recently, I saw on television that several women—in their 30s—were diagnosed with breast cancer. Further discovery revealed that the tumors were located exactly where the women placed their cell...
Water and Poverty
One Organization's Approach: A Conversation with Tearfund's Frank Greaves
Tags: interview, poverty, tearfund, wash, water
Tearfund is an organization that was born in the 1960s out of The Evangelical Alliance in the UK. It is recognized for its professional expertise in development, disaster response, and advocacy,...
Projecting Poverty Where It Doesn’t Exist
Tags: poverty, short-term mission
I have been in relationship with the Waodani since 1956, when they killed my dad Nate and four of his friends. My relationship continued through the time my aunt Rachel lived with them beginning in...
John Wesley’s Church Planting Movement:
Discipleship That Transformed a Nation and Changed the World
Tags: church planting, discipleship, methodists, movement, poverty, wesley
When John Wesley was born in 1703, four million out of Britain’s five million people lived in absolute poverty—unless they found enough food for that day, they would begin to starve to death.
...Resources May be Closer than You Think
Tags: donate, poverty, support raising
An ancient Shakespeare play has a line which says, “But, where is the money?” As you will see from what follows, I believe the resources to help those in need are often closer to the need than we...
Poverty, Process and Progress
The "Arab Spring" that has recently taken over the headlines brings one question to my mind: should a Western construct called democracy be planted in a non-Western culture, where the prerequisites...
Will the Poor Always Be with Us?
Tags: poverty
Condensed from an article published May 2003 in the MARC Newsletter.
To excuse neglect of the poor, Christians sometimes remind us of Jesus’ words, “The poor will always be with you” (Mt 26:11)....
Poverty Is a Lie
Tags: poverty
This article is an excerpt from the eighth chapter of the Compassion International book Poverty and used by permission.
Bryant Myers describes poverty in terms of relationships damaged by sin:
...What Is the Problem
Tags: poverty
Excerpted from the book, When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself, Brian Fikkert, Steve Corbett, Moody Publishers, 2009, pp. 51-56, used by permission.