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Search Results For: Great Commission
The Great Confusion
Tags: great commission
A March 2017 Barna survey revealed disturbing evidence that validates our deep concerns about the Church’s Great Commission confusion: 51% of Christians in North America do not recognize or know...
The Storyline of History
The Last Lap
Tags: church planting, great commission, mission, unreached people group
Too often we ask the wrong question: “What is God’s will for my life?” That question is very self-centered. It’s about you and your life.
The right question is “What is God’s will?” Period....
The Beginning of the End?
The Launch of 24:14
Tags: 14, 24, church-planting movements, great commission, movements, unreached people groups
After months of fighting for survival in the Battle of Britain and finally prevailing, the British people heard these fateful words from Winston Churchill. “Now this is not the end. It is not even...
Is Our Misinterpretation of the Great Commandment Ruining Our Application of the Great Commission?
Tags: great commandment, great commission, love
Unfortunately, today’s followers of Christ are not being criticized for loving too much. Rather, we are often observed as being critical, harsh and judgmental in the way we operate. Transmitting...
No Longer “Church as Usual”
Tags: church, disceipleship, disciple, great commission, t4t
Adapted with permission from
In December 2011, Gary Stump started Onward Church in Fishers, IN in the T4T model. As of December 2013 they reported 1,000 people...
Growing U.S. Movements to the Lost and the Unreached
Tags: disciple-makers, gc2, great commandment, great commission, participative bible study, porch church
The Jan/Feb 2012 MF article about Curtis’ work in Asia described the transformation of a “heartless place with no hope” into a place where “every village has churches. The worship is phenomenal....
Further Reflections
The Words We Use
Tags: cross-cultural, cultures, gospel, great commission, missionary, religious
Better understanding ourselves is a crucial step in understanding, explaining and living out the gospel to those from other cultures. We learn more about ourselves and God by living and working...
The Secret of Church Multiplication
Tags: addition, church growth, great commission, multiplication
I am no mathematician. My high school math teacher would chuckle at the thought that I would have anything good to contribute to a conversation about mathematics. But maybe it takes a...
Peoples on the Move
A God-Ordained Opportunity for Reaching the Unreached
Tags: great commission, immigration, migrants, nepal, western
Samuel and Young Cho are a middle-aged, Korean couple living in Lutherville, Maryland. Korean is their heart language and English is their second language. A few years ago, the Lord used this...
What’s Missing in Our Great “Come-Mission?”
The Role of Reproducing Evangelism, Disciple-Making and Church Planting for Ordinary Believers
Tags: church planting, discipleship, evangelism, great commission
In May 2007 my national partner baptized Joe, a Muslim-background believer. Instead of taking Joe to church, we taught him how to make disciples and start multiplying churches. Less than three...