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Search Results For: Bible Translation
No Time to Spare
Bible Translation for Language Groups
Tags: bible translation, wycliffe associates
On a late fall day in 2014, a group of 13 local Christian men and women gathered in South Asia to attempt something that never had been done before. Working together in teams of three and four,...
Judging a Book by Its Cover
Overcoming Barriers to Bible Access in Muslim Contexts
Tags: bible translation, muslim
On my first visit to the Muslim people group with whom I work, a mullah, or an Islamic religious leader, suddenly grabbed me and pulled me around the side of a house. He clenched both of my arms...
The Voice of God Speaking to Siberian Hearts
Tags: bible translation, siberia
As the gospel continues to spread to every corner of the earth, one of the ongoing needs in the mission field is to reach oral cultures. Unlike much of the Western world, books and documents...
Wow, Who Knew? Fonts are Needed for Bible Translation?
Tags: bible translation, fonts
Such was the reaction of an American pastor upon hearing that font development was the ministry focus of Annie Olsen, a type designer for SIL International. It’s not an uncommon reaction, either,...
Achieving the Hope and Promise of Using Technology for Bible Translation While Avoiding the Pitfalls
Tags: bible translation, smart engine, sovee, technology
The Word of God is what changes lives and makes the growth of the Church possible in every people. Yet there are still thousands of languages that do not have a complete Bible and thousands more...
Bible Translation in the Digital Age
Tags: bible translation, community, digital age, technology
The author of Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation, says that “change happens when you take a configuration and rearrange it in new ways.”[1] His point is that most new...
Free and Open
Bibles Without Copyright Restrictions
Tags: bible translation, copyright restrictions, digital era, unrestricted bibles
A cry of dismay ran through the assembly. The pastors had just been informed that, due to licensing issues, the Bible they had used for over a decade was no longer permitted for use. “How can you...
An Unlikely Miracle
But Aren't They All
Tags: bible translation, ell, empowerment, mast, wycliffe
In a remote corner of South Asia, among ancient rocks and militant thorns, Christ’s church has taken root among the Ng people. It can only be described as early growth. Tender shoots...
Bible Translation 3.0
Empowering the Global Church to Bring Abundant Access to the Scriptures to Every People
Tags: bible translation, global church, history, technology, wycliffe
Bible Translation in Transition
A major transition is occurring in Bible translation. This transition has been triggered by a foundational shift of historic proportions: the ownership of and...