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Search Results For: Community
Bible Translation in the Digital Age
Tags: bible translation, community, digital age, technology
The author of Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation, says that “change happens when you take a configuration and rearrange it in new ways.”[1] His point is that most new...
A New Era in Bible Translation
Sovee Smart Engine & Community-Empowered Translation
Tags: bible translation, community, sovee, technology, the great commission
It has been 2000 years since the Lord Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” What is hindering the gospel’s progress in reaching all of the unreached people groups and languages? Is it...
Creating Local Arts Together
Seven Steps for Facilitating Arts in Community
Tags: arts, community, ethnodoxology, facilitating, manual, william carey library
CASE ONE: In northwestern DR Congo, Mono Christians are making a fundamental change in how they communicate with God. Instead of using only international and regional artistic genres in their...
Multigenerational Family Communities
Tags: community, family, multi-generational
“Houston, we have a problem...”
That phrase came to mind when I was teaching a European group of young adults in Amsterdam in 2002 on planting house churches. The problem was that the word...