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Search Results For: Bible
God’s Word our Foundation, His Spirit our Dependable Guide
Tags: bible, spirit led, women
We know God wants us to discover truth through His Word. He gives us all the direction we need in order to do His work. We are invited to partner with Him in the extraordinary task of making...
Quick Guide to Honor/Shame Dynamics in the Bible
Tags: bible, guide, honor, shame
Click on the image.
Tough Choices: Without a Bible but With a Church, or Without a Church but With a Bible?
Further Reflections
Tags: bible, bihar, church, sil, translation, wycliffe
I have a friend from high school who worked in SIL’s literacy program in South America. He had the privilege helping many among the people group to which he was assigned to develop a deepening...
Advancing Scripture Access for Discipleship Among Bible-less Oral People
Tags: audio-bible, bible, bible-less, oral, scripture, storytelling
Foundational to making disciples in every people group is enabling access to and engagement with the Word of God in their own language. This awareness has fueled initiatives by some translation...
Deaf Bible
Working Until All the Deaf Have Seen
Tags: bible, deaf, gospel, jesus, translation, visual
Deaf Bible: Working Until All the Deaf Have Seen from Deaf Bible on Vimeo.
As a C.O.D.A. (Child of Deaf Adults), I grew up stuck between two worlds. There was the visual, 3D, Deaf world that...
Equipping the Deaf, Transforming Lives
Reaching the Deaf in Asia Pacific through Sign Language Bible Translation
Tags: asia, bible, deaf, pacific, sign language, translation
Though Eiji was born and raised in Japan and still lives there, Japanese is a foreign language to him. He began attending church when he was a student and now he is a pastor, but still finds it...
Blessed to Bless Others
Deaf Bible Translators as Trainers in Latin America
Tags: bible, columbia, deaf, latin america, translation
The sign language Bible translation movement in Latin America is taking root in a growing number of countries. And it is getting a big boost throughout the region thanks to the training efforts of...
Why Sign Language Bible Translations Are Essential in Reaching the Deaf
Tags: bible, deaf, sign language, translation
About 29 years ago, I came to know Jesus and accepted him as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I have been attending the church that I currently attend. It is an English-speaking church which has a...
One Thousand Orphans Tell God’s Story
Tags: bible, bible story, children, orphans, stories
“By the end of the month, you’ll be able to do something most pastors can’t do!” The auntie smiled at her club of forty orphans meeting outside a home in the foothills of the Himalayas. They were...