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Search Results For: Missionary
Do They Have Sin?
Tags: africa, dancing, drums, missionary, sin, worship
In one church in Africa, worship is announced through drums, “speaking” to those who have not yet arrived: “Hurry, the service is about to begin!” As the drumming continues, rattles and bells enter...
The Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies
Equipping Christians to Understand and Engage Muslims with the Gospel for 35 Years
Tags: conference, history, institute, missionary, research, zwemer
Founded in 1979 at the U.S. Center for World Mission, the Zwemer Institute became a major resource and training center for Christians seeking to engage Muslims with the gospel. This need was...
Further Reflections
The Words We Use
Tags: cross-cultural, cultures, gospel, great commission, missionary, religious
Better understanding ourselves is a crucial step in understanding, explaining and living out the gospel to those from other cultures. We learn more about ourselves and God by living and working...
A Day’s Visit to the Mazor
Tags: family, missionary, muslim, tajikistan
Excerpted, by permission, from Sixteen Seasons: Stories from a Missionary Family in Tajikisan, by David James (William Carey Library, 2011)
We wound our way towards the famous Muslim saint’s...
What Happened to the Others Who Sailed?
Tags: history, missionary
Two couples and two single men left along with Adoniram and Ann Judson in February of 1812. The eight were sent out by the newly organized American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Here...
Embracing Your Mission Journey to the Nations
A Guide and a Process to Get There
Tags: missionary, people group, training
The key reason to develop a “perspective” as a global-vision Christian is to understand the world as God sees it. But a razor-sharp biblical perspective is not static, and you really cannot just...
Learning From Our Mistakes
Tags: contextualization, missionary, syncretism
What happens when missionaries teach that the only way of salvation is for a people to completely reject their own culture and accept the “Christian” culture of the missionary? What is the result...
The “Prayer and Care” Mission and Missionaries
Tags: missionary, prayer
You’ve seen it. After a church service, people come down to the front of the church for prayer. For some churches, this is a weekly pattern. Others designate a room where people can go for prayer....
Six Missionaries Become College President
Tags: missionary, mobilization
Missions Invades the Colleges!
What an arresting fact that these six outstanding colleges have recognized the crucial worth of choosing as their presidents men who have a profound international...
Who is a Missionary?
Tags: missionary, unreached people group
What identifies a missionary? Commitment to God's plan. To be fully identified with Christ compels effort to achieve His worldwide goal (Mk.15:16).
Jesus Christ came to implement God's...