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Search Results For: Kingdom Of God
Can the Kingdom of God Break out of Christendom?
Tags: christendom, christianity, jesus movements, kingdom of god
In Hawaii we visited a volcano famous for its red-hot streams of flowing lava. As soon as the hot lava hits the air, it cools rapidly, forming black crusts so hard it can be walked on while molten...
Taking This Conversation Forward
"Reassessing the Frontiers" at ISFM 2010
Tags: kingdom of god, unreached people group
Global mission gatherings can jump-start new directions for a global Church, and the world-level consultations planned for 2010 have all the potential to do so. As we look back, we can see that the...
Suffering By Degree
Tags: kingdom of god, suffering
What I’m about to talk about does not normally “count” as suffering, but I’m going to include it anyway. While this issue of MF provides clarity to the realities and dimensions of physical...
Jesus is Worthy
A Case Study from Mongolia
Tags: church planting, kingdom of god, mongolia
The following is excerpted, with permission, from There's a Sheep in My Bathtub: Birth of a Mongolian Church Planting Movement, by Brian Hogan (Asteroidea Books, 2008). Learn more at...
Asking the Last “Why”?
Tags: college, culture, kingdom of god
College students face three daunting decisions during the young adult years. The answers to these questions will determine the trajectory of their lives, yet they have to answer with little...
The Mission of God
Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative
Tags: evangelism, kingdom of god
Evangelism and social involvement: Chicken or egg? Another way the issue is sometimes framed is this: Surely the best way to achieve social change and all the good objectives we have for society on...
Good to Great in the Kingdom
Tags: kingdom mission, kingdom of god
mission leader I know served on the field for 20 years. Then he was asked by his international director to become the U.S. director of his mission; his international director said he should take...
Profiles in Partnership
New Movements, Tools Accelerate the Pace
Tags: kingdom of god, least reached, movement
A Survey of Kingdom Collaboration
Tags: collaboration, kingdom of god
What’s the Challenge?
It’s said that all cultures have both idealized and realized values. These values represent the way things ought to be and the way they really are. The distance between what...