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Search Results For: Fuller Theological Seminary
50 Years and Counting of Innovation in Mission
Tags: fuller theological seminary, innovation, sis, swm
The Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary
A Brief Overview
Tags: center for missiological research, edu, fuller theological seminary
The Center for Missiological Research (CMR) was founded in 2007 by Jehu Hanciles and Douglas McConnell as part of the School of Intercultural Studies (SIS) at Fuller Theological Seminary. The...
A “Fuller” Vision of God’s Mission and Theological Education
in the New Context of Global Christianity
Tags: fuller theological seminary, swm
When SWM Was Founded…
The School of World Mission (SWM) was established in 1965--during a significant period for global Christianity. The steady southwest-ward move since the 16th century gained...