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Search Results For: Frontier Mission
Lifestyle of Prayer
A Furnace for Mission
Tags: frontier mission, healing, intercession, movements, prayer
Editorial Comment
Tags: frontier mission, least reached, unreached people group
Dear Reader,
Don’t let the masses of numbers deter you from enjoying this valuable issue of Mission Frontiers. This presentation will give you a peek into some of the factors mission leaders mull...
Which Peoples Need Priority Attention? (Part 2)
Tags: frontier mission, least reached, unreached people group
Be a Frontier Mission Congregation
Tags: frontier mission, frontiers, mission
Because of the great interest today in Frontier Missions (which means missionary outreach directed toward one of the world's 16,750 people groups where no indigenous church movement yet exists),...
Frontier Mission Consortium Gears Up
Tags: frontier mission
PASADENA (CA) A modern "March of Coins," the Loose Change Frontier Fellowship, announced only in June has already become a movement with more than 5,000 members pledged. Dr. Ralph D. Winter,...
Some Unfinished Business
Tags: finishing the task, frontier mission, unreached people group
If you've been around in evangelical circles lately, you know that many people's attitudes towards missions are being shaped by two common misconceptions:
Myth 1: Pioneer missions is out of date....
World Consultation on Frontier Missions
Tags: edinburgh 1980, frontier mission
Two hundred seventy delegates from mission agencies around the world gathered at Edinburgh, Scotland, October 27 November 1, in what was history's second world level conference to be composed of...