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Search Results For: Evangelical
Response to Ralph Winter
The Future of Evangelicals in Mission Article
Tags: evangelical
I am happy to provide a short response to Ralph Winter’s piece, “The Future of Evangelicals in Mission” which appeared in the Sept.–Oct. 2007 issue of Mission Frontiers. One could comment on many...
The Future of Evangelicals in Mission
Tags: evangelical, kingdom mission
great deal of the future of the Evangelical movement and its mission vision can be deduced by looking closely at its roots. Evangelicals have a rich heritage of faith and works that can again...
The Global Status of Evangelical Christianity
A Model for Assessing Priority People Groups
Tags: christianity, evangelical, priority
Editor's note: the following article constitutes part 3 in our occasional series on Which Peoples Need Priority Attention? Dan Scribner (of Joshua Project) took the lead in part 1 (in our...