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Search Results For: Conversion
Raising Local Resources
Transformation in the Zambezi Valley
Tags: church planting, conversion, spiritualists, zambezi, zimbabwe
My first memory of visiting the home of Isaac Ndlovu was of our arrival at night, and hearing a strange bubbling sound amid the cacophony of greetings in the Tonga language. As it was pitch black...
Five Lessons the American Church is Learning from Church-Planting Movements
Tags: american, church planting, conversion, reproduciblity
News of Church-Planting Movements (CPMs) happening around the world has been a wake up call for many American church leaders to reexamine, reframe and retool. Others have simply dismissed rapid...
But Can We Trust Mustafa?
Tags: conversion, islam, muslim
There are some Christians who believe that Islam is too evil and therefore it is impossible for any Muslim who puts his/her faith in Christ to stay among his/her own people as salt and light. Let...