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Search Results For: Dependency
Giving According to Our Western Expectations?
Tags: dependency
Pastor, if your church will officially associate with us and put our organization’s name on your church, we will pay you twice what you are getting now.
The offer was simple. It appeared to...
Good Intentions Aren’t Good Enough
A Variety of Reports on Money and Mission
Tags: dependency
1. Are Orphanages Our Best Response to AIDS in Africa?
Glenn Schwartz
… [A critical] challenge relating to AIDS is what to do about the increasing number of orphans. Because the innocent are...
Whatever Happened to the Apostle Paul?
Tags: dependency, donate, giving
An exposition of Paul’s teaching and practice of giving.
What would the Apostle Paul say and do if he showed up at your church, joined your missions committee, became a member of your mission...
Guideposts for Giving
Tags: dependency, donate, giving
Principles that help the giver avoid unwanted dependency as a result of giving.
For the past several decades I have been concentrating on issues of dependency and self-reliance among...
Giving in Kenya
Tags: dependency
Mr. Gideon Kiongo invites responses to this open letter. He can be reached in Kenya by e-mail at [email protected] or by regular mail at P.O. Box 50688, Nairobi, Kenya. For general responses on...
Is There a Cure?
Tags: dependency
Looking for solutions to dependency among mission-established churches.
One of the most difficult problems facing the Christian movement at the beginning of the 21st century is the dependency on...
When Two Bikes Split a Church
The powerful effect of an act of generosity
Tags: dependency, local resources
Christopher Little
When my wife and I entered Mozambique in 1993, the United Nations listed it as the poorest country in the world. We had been exposed to poverty before, but nothing prepared us...
What Triggers the Move Toward Self-Reliance?
Tags: dependency
For some time I have been concentrating on issues of dependency and the move toward self-reliance among mission-established churches. An intriguing issue which has surfaced in this process is the...
Mobilizing Local Resources
Can Foreign Funding Be Used In Support Of Indigenous Ministries?
Tags: dependency
I am often asked this question by concerned and well-meaning westerners. They rationalize that since westerners have so much more than they need to live on, it only seems right that they support...