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Search Results For: Strategy
The Marriage of Excellent Strategy and the Supernatural
Tags: strategy, supernatural
When we arrived at their home, his wife ushered us in. “Please sit down,” she said. The room was tiny and dark. We bent down to enter the low doorway and saw him lying on the bed. From the dark...
A Leadership Strategy for DMM
Tags: disciple-making movements, leadership, strategy
A Leadership Strategy for DMM
“Lord, You can have your Church back!”
It was February of 2004. I was walking on my favorite hiking trail in the Land Between The Lakes area of Western...
Opportunity to Reach the Least of These
Tags: jesus film, lightstream, offline, oral, strategy, viral
Believers can spread the gospel to the ends of the earth with what is already in their hands—mobile phones. There are now more mobile phones in the world than there are people. Christians can...
Raising Local Resources
30 to 50 Years From Now
Tags: legacy, missionaries, money, poverty, strategy
Recently, I saw on television that several women—in their 30s—were diagnosed with breast cancer. Further discovery revealed that the tumors were located exactly where the women placed their cell...
What’s Getting in the Way?
The Five Greatest Roadblocks to Engagement
Tags: engage, laborers, roadblocks, strategy, unengaged
The world is a big, complicated place. The Muslim world is a 1.5+ billion person segment of that world with significant Muslim populations stretching from West Africa to the southern Philippines....
Building Momentum
Report from the Global Network of Centers for World Mission
Tags: mobilization, resource, strategy, training
Over thirty years ago it was proposed at a world-level meeting known as Edinburgh 1980 that a network and movement of centers for world mission be formed which would do the following: research the...
Is The Family God’s Prime Mission Strategy For World Evangelization?
Tags: evangelism, family, strategy
Our Shrink-wrap World
Tags: mobilization, strategy
I was shocked recently with my first-ever purchase of a flat-screen television. Expecting a hernia-inducing effort not unlike the intense strain of an Olympic power-lifter, I was amazed at how much...
Going “Beyond the Edges of the Kingdom”
The Strategy Division
Tags: strategy
My predecessor popularized the in-house phrase, “beyond the edges of the kingdom” to describe those things the Strategy Division of the U.S. Center has to be concerned about. We believe, “what is...
Editorial Comment
Tags: strategy
Dear Reader:
For the first time in the 30 years of its publication, Dr. Ralph Winter is not writing the editorial for an issue of Mission Frontiers. His treatments for lymphoma have forced him to...