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Search Results For: Leadership
A Leadership Strategy for DMM
Tags: disciple-making movements, leadership, strategy
A Leadership Strategy for DMM
“Lord, You can have your Church back!”
It was February of 2004. I was walking on my favorite hiking trail in the Land Between The Lakes area of Western...
5 Levels of Movement Leadership
Tags: leadership, movements
Movements rise and fall on leadership reproduction. On the edge of movements in Asia, we have clung to simple application of the Word as the standard for success or failure in our church planting....
Zarina’s Story
Tags: church-planting movements, leadership, women
Zarina is a bubbly extrovert who has trouble not talking too much. She loves the Lord who rescued her out of a life of darkness and heroin trafficking, and she is now a successful... |
Leadership: Women in African DDM
Tags: church-planting movements, leadership, women
“If I had to choose, I would take a woman any day over a man as a church-planter.” Jon Lewis was startled to hear this from an East African mission leader. Jon says, “In an... |
Transform World: A Starfish Structure
Tags: leadership, spider structure, starfish structure, structure, transform world
The contexts around us are changing rapidly. Organizational structures can’t hope to keep up with these rapid changes. As a documentation of effectiveness, most organizational structures look...
Transform World
The Rise of the Servant Catalyst
Tags: catalyst, collaboration, leadership, servant leader, transform world
Leader Development and Orality
Tags: asian access, develpment, discipleship, leadership, orality
What does it take to train leaders when they cannot read and write? When most of the world’s Christian resources are made for the literate world, how do we equip the majority? How do we come...
Kingdom Kernels
The Engine That Sustains Movements
Tags: church planting movements, leadership, movements, paul, reproducing
Imagine that you are responsible to insure the training and personal development of a growing number of new pastors each year. This year it is 500, added to 300 from the previous year and 200 from...
Framing a New Model of Training Cross-Cultural Church Planters
Tags: church, cross-cultural, leadership, planters, training
Confusion of massive proportions is taking place across the missionary enterprise. Great cultural change in the world has thwarted both young and old so that many are unable to...
A Time For Everything
Tags: central asia, church, indigenous, leadership
I went to see Talgat mainly because that is what friends do in Central Asia—spend time together. He is not a ministry project, but a friend whose company I enjoy. Nevertheless, I also wanted to see...