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Search Results For: Legacy
Frontier Ventures
Fulfilling our Legacy to Reach the Unreached
Tags: frontier ventures, legacy, name, ralph winter, u. s. center for world mission, uscwm
In 1976 the U.S. Center for World Mission was born. Ralph and Roberta Winter felt compelled by God to step out from the secure and stable environment of a tenured academic position to focus on...
Raising Local Resources
30 to 50 Years From Now
Tags: legacy, missionaries, money, poverty, strategy
Recently, I saw on television that several women—in their 30s—were diagnosed with breast cancer. Further discovery revealed that the tumors were located exactly where the women placed their cell...
Book Review of Ralph D. Winter
Early Life and Core Missiology by Greg H. Parsons
Tags: book review, lausanne conference, legacy, ralph winter
Did you know that Ralph Winter had a penchant as a youth for re-engineering and re-building firecrackers? Or that one of his main professors during his doctoral work threatened to remove him from...
Urbana's Enduring Legacy: Changed Lives
Tags: david platt, global, legacy, perspecives, urbana
Over the last 66 years, no other missions event has had so powerful an influence on the mobilization of students for cross-cultural involvement in missions as the Urbana student mission conventions...