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Search Results For: Bible Translation
A New Era in Bible Translation
Sovee Smart Engine & Community-Empowered Translation
Tags: bible translation, community, sovee, technology, the great commission
It has been 2000 years since the Lord Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” What is hindering the gospel’s progress in reaching all of the unreached people groups and languages? Is it...
Ownership—It’s What Makes Ministry Happen
From the Editor
Tags: bible translation, church-planting movmenet, technology
What is the one thing that is most deadly to the spread of the gospel to every tribe and tongue? Many would say the lack of money, manpower or vision. I believe it can be safely argued that...
The Love Motive
Tags: bible translation, democratic republic of congo, drc, love, mono, music
The truck’s wheels were spaced further apart than the rotting logs of the bridge. No way would we ever reach the dirt road on the other side. So the sixty or so Congolese pastors and I got out of...
Bible Translations for Muslim Readers
Tags: bible, bible translation, contextualization, muslim
What wisdom is needed in producing Bible translations for Muslims? An article recently published in Christianity Today by Collin Hansen, entitled "The Son and the Crescent" (February, 2011): 19-23...