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Search Results For: Uscwm
The Call to Obey the Great Commission Remains Before Us
Tags: 40 years, frontier ventures, unreached, uscwm
Wow! Forty years. So much has been accomplished and yet so much remains to be done. In this issue we pause to look back on the legacy of faithfulness of people like Ralph Winter and others who with...
For God’s Glory in All Peoples
Celebrating 40 Years of the U.S. Center for World Mission/Frontier Ventures and the Unreached Peoples Movement
Tags: frontier ventures, ralph winter, roberta winter, uscwm
This article adapted from the 25th USCWM anniversary booklet published in 2001
"Of all the things Roberta and I have done in our lifetimes, I do not hesitate to believe that the most...
40 Years of the USCWM/Frontier Ventures and the Unreached Peoples Movement
What Progress Have We Made
Tags: 40th anniversary, frontier ventures, perspectives, unreached, uscwm
School of World Mission AT 50
Tags: frontier ventures, sis, swm, uscwm, wciu
Can it be that we are 50? In 1969, when I joined the faculty, we were small—four faculty and about 35 students (Associates we called them). I was the fourth faculty member, after McGavran,...
New Era: Embracing a New Era in the Frontier Mission Movement
From the Editor
Tags: brand, frontier ventures, name, uscwm
In 1976, a mild-mannered professor at Fuller’s School of World Mission named Ralph Winter launched a daring effort to change the world by purchasing a $15 million college campus in Pasadena,...
Frontier Ventures
Fulfilling our Legacy to Reach the Unreached
Tags: frontier ventures, legacy, name, ralph winter, u. s. center for world mission, uscwm
In 1976 the U.S. Center for World Mission was born. Ralph and Roberta Winter felt compelled by God to step out from the secure and stable environment of a tenured academic position to focus on...