International Students

This Month's Articles

International Students A Historic Opportunity to  Reach the Nations Editorial

International Students A Historic Opportunity to Reach the Nations

Is there a purpose to history? Is history just a random series of events where various empires rise and fall as they fight each other over land, possessions or pride? Or is God orchestrating events...

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International Students Feature

International Students

The Seeds of Disciple-Making Movements

Can international students be the key to launching disciple-making movements in every unreached people? Hua Mulan is putting into practice some of the simple steps that are leading to great progress in the lives of her students both here and around the world.

Tags: disciple-making movements, international projects, t4t

The Sounds of Love and Global Transformation Feature

The Sounds of Love and Global Transformation

Forty Years of Reaching International Students

What does love sound like? It sounds like a family showing hospitality to thousands of students every week for 40 years. Hundreds, if not thousands, of students have accepted Christ as their Savior and then returned home and shared their faith with family and friends. The gospel has spread like water in dry lands desperate for life.

Tags: bible study, home, international students

Discovery Bible Study Feature

Discovery Bible Study

Equipping International Students to Share Biblical Truth Around the Globe

As her family gathers on Saturday morning in China, Lihua shares with them the Bible story she has just discussed at International Friendships’ Friday night Discovery Bible Study in the United States. The first thing she does when she returns home is call them, and they are eager to hear the story.

Tags: discovery bible study, international students

The M:28 Strategy Feature

The M:28 Strategy

When we began working with people of peace, we found that they used their existing social networks, and, unsurprisingly, we saw multiplication.

Tags: 28 strategy, discovery bible study, international students, m

Getting Unstuck from Service Land Feature

Getting Unstuck from Service Land

from Service-Oriented Ministries to Disciple-Making Movements

International student ministries (ISMs) often get stuck in the land of welcoming and serving students. This is not wrong, in and of itself. The problem comes when service sidelines evangelism and discipleship.

Tags: disciple-making m, equipping, international students, service

Internationals Among Us Web Only

Internationals Among Us

Editor's note: Internationals come in very diverse categories, as you will see in this article, fleshed out in Neal's book Internationals Who Live Among Us: Doing World Missions at Home. Most of...

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Discipleship Lessons Learned Feature

Discipleship Lessons Learned

Two years ago, I joined a community of people who committed together to engaging with international students. This group was challenging me to leave my comfort zone and begin to develop meaningful relationships with people who looked, spoke, and acted differently from me. This is what I learned.

Tags: discipleship, international students

How Ambassadors for Christ Also Serve the Cause of Diplomacy Web Only

How Ambassadors for Christ Also Serve the Cause of Diplomacy

Does International Student Ministry actually make a difference in the lives of these students? Here is the story of one chance encounter that answers that question.

Tags: international students, ism

Christian Students Grow the Kingdom of God in China Feature

Christian Students Grow the Kingdom of God in China

As mission professionals develop 21st century strategies for church planting and disciple-making movements around the world, we have to simultaneously keep an eye on what God has done in the past. His past work, in this case amongst Chinese students who studied in the USA over 100 years ago, ought to be fuel our imagination.

Tags: china, international students

Being a World Missionary at Home Feature

Being a World Missionary at Home

A Mission Pastor’s Perspective

As our world rapidly globalizes, God is bringing people from all over the world to us. Are we open to reaching out to them, becoming their friends, and sharing God's salvation with them so that they can become reproducing disciples back in their home societies?

Tags: home, international students

The Global International Student Ministry Movement via the Lausanne Movement Web Only

The Global International Student Ministry Movement via the Lausanne Movement

An Insider’s Perspective

The gradual growth and multiplication of ministries among international students as an emergent movement began in the 1950’s but there was no global network of ISM ministries until the Lausanne Movement included ISM in its agenda at a global event in 2004.

Tags: international students, lausanne, movements

Representing Jesus Faithfully to Refugees Other

Representing Jesus Faithfully to Refugees

In a season of heated political debate about refugees and immigrants, Frontier Ventures members around the U.S. and the world are observing and contributing to creative new attempts to represent Jesus faithfully to the stranger.

Tags: frontier ventures, joshua project, news, refugees

Biblical Content for a Movement Kingdom Kernels

Biblical Content for a Movement

In Church-Planting Movements (CPMs), one of the most misunderstood aspects of weekly discipleship is the role of the Bible and how to rightly handle it. Perhaps the central tenet of why CPMs emerge is that they emphasize returning to biblical norms of discipleship.

Tags: movements

A Generational Model for ISM Expansion Web Only

A Generational Model for ISM Expansion

In light of the massively growing numbers of international students, the primary question that needs to be asked in ISM is this: How can we reach them all? What has been done in the past? And what should be done in the future?

Tags: international students, ism

“They Did Business With You Because of Your Great Wealth of Goods” Raising Local Resources

“They Did Business With You Because of Your Great Wealth of Goods”

The Tragic Repercussions of Materialism and Consumerism in Missions

Jean Johnson is the author of We Are Not The Hero: A Missionary’s Guide for Sharing Christ, Not  a Culture of Dependency. Jean served as a missionary with the Assemblies of God in Cambodia for 16...

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Tags: consumerism, materialism

A Common Approach that Often Fails Further Reflections

A Common Approach that Often Fails

This story is about a working young woman but it could have been the story of many international students who come to the U.S.[1]

An unmarried Indian Hindu girl in her late 20s obtained a good...

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Tags: international students