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Search Results For: Missional
A Culture of Prayer In One Local Missional Church
Tags: church, culture, intercession, missional, prayer
The following is an interview by MF staff with John Lo, lead pastor of Epicentre Church in Pasadena, CA.
MF: How do you as a local church pastor make prayer a priority in both your personal life...
Resourcing the Missional Family
Tags: family, missional, resource
The North American family is faced with many challenges. Children move away from parents, not only geographically, but morally and spiritually as well. The typical church deals with this by further...
The Lost Aspect of Disciplemaking
Tags: disciplemaking, discipleship, missional
An old Navigator once told me, “Laborers are like manure. It stinks when they are all in one place. You have to spread them out to do any good.” Probably no one reading Mission Frontiers would...