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Search Results For: Discipleship
What Is Our Mission?
Tags: discipleship, evangelism, mission
In John 17:4, Jesus prayed to the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” Jesus knew what the Father had called Him to do. But do we know what the...
Making Disciples
God's Way to Transform Nations
Tags: discipleship, transformation
In John 17:4, Jesus prayed to the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” Jesus knew what the Father had called Him to do. But do we know what the...
You Can Know God Personally
Tags: discipleship
Before the days of television, jet airplanes, and superhighways the ancients had more time than we do to discuss ideas and issues. A favorite discussion...
A Discipleship Revolution
The Key To Discipling All Peoples
Tags: discipleship
In the 2000 years since Jesus came to Earth we have made great strides in technology. Our ability to communicate the gospel to huge numbers of people all over the planet has never been greater. We...
Avery Willis’ Last Dream
Tags: disciplemaking, discipleship, storytelling, training
Dr. Avery T. Willis, Jr. (1934-2010) viewed discipleship through the eyes of a missionary.
He was president of a seminary in Indonesia during the 1970s when a work of the Holy Spirit among the...
Training for Trainers Process
Tags: discipleship, training
This article was adapted from an upcoming book by Steve Smith (with Ying Kai)--T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution (WIGTake Resources, 2011).
Beyond Ministry-as-Usual
Ying Kai, a Chinese-American...
Joining the Discipleship Revolution
Tags: disciplemaking, discipleship, training
He who does the work is not so profitably employed as he who multiplies the doers. —John R. Mott (1865–1955)
From the time Jesus selected the twelve, His continuing public ministry was filled...
75 Years as a Disciple-Maker
An Interview with Jim Downing
Tags: disciplemaking, discipleship
MF: What are your thoughts about the Great Commission?
- First, according to Matthew 24:14, God’s timetable awaits our obedience to the Great Commission. What Christ meant by His words, “This...
A Passionate Call for Maturity that Reproduces
Tags: discipleship, spiritual maturity
A distillation of Trotman's message "Born to Reproduce"
Navigator founder Dawson Trotman (Daws, 1906-1956) trained a young Navy Christian to win others. That sailor discipled another, and God...
The Measure of a Ministry
Tags: discipleship, ministry
“A mist in the pulpit is a fog in the pews,” Dallas Theological Seminary pillar Dr. Howard Hendricks once observed. If our church and mission leaders are unclear or confused about their objectives...