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Search Results For: Cpm
24:14 Goal: Movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025 (78 months)
What is a CPM?
Tags: 14 coalition, 24, church planting movement, cpm
A Church Planting Movement (CPM) can be defined as the multiplication of disciples making disciples and leaders developing leaders. This results in indigenous churches planting churches. These...
24:14 Goal: Movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025 (80 months)
Mindshifts for Movements
Tags: cpm, mindshifts
God is doing great things through Church Planting Movements CPMs) around the world in our day. CPM does not mean traditional church planting becoming very fruitful. CPM describes the God-given...
A Church Planting Movement Advancing Through Barriers
Tags: cpm
In 2012, one of our national partners, Sanjay,* gathered 15 men from various districts. Most were Christian background believers, while a few were Hindu background believers. We began meeting...
24:14 Coalition Update FAQ
Clarifying Some Misconceptions
Tags: 14 coalition, 24, church planting, church planting movements, cpm, unreached people group
1. 24:14? Who are you?
We are not an organization. We are a coalition of like-minded individuals, practitioners and organizations who have made a commitment to a vision of seeing...
The Oikos Hammer— You & Your Household
Tags: church planting movements, cpm, oikos hammer
Two very important Biblical factors propel the expansion of Church-Planting Movements (CPMs). The first enables a breakthrough into new arenas. The second enables expansion within that arena....
Kingdom Kernels
Tags: cpm, kingdom movements
652. That’s the latest number of kingdom movements (Church-Planting Movements or CPMs) slaying the giants of darkness in every major religious worldview on every continent[1]: Hindu, Muslim,...
Movements Without Women?
Rick is recovering from recent surgery while his house is undergoing major restoration following an attic fire caused by a lighting strike. It is my privilege to fill in for him. Please pray for...
Empowering Local Partners
“Among the 150+ CPMs we are aware of worldwide, only a very small minority have been catalyzed directly by an outsider. The majority develop when the outside CPM catalyzer(s) vision-casts and...
The S.O.I.L.S. of the CPM Continuum: The Sliding Scale of Strategic Time Investment
Kingdom Kernels
Tags: chruch planting, church-planting movmenet, cpm, discipleship, mobilization, prayer
The training participants were drawing near the end of their three-week CPM (church planting movement) training. As they heard God speak, each drew up a three-year strategy plan for the city or...