Kids Korner
NEW ITEMS are ready!
- The popular "Four Lessons for Junior Highers" has been revised into a new, exciting God's Plan For the World; 4 Lessons For Junior High Students. Optional fifth lesson is a Prayer Walk, along with debriefing. Included are the following: objectives, strategy and materials list for each lesson; Tower of Babel skit, Jonah skit, People Group demographic game, "Blessed to be a Blessing" Bible story review, songs, memory verses, games, prayer exercises, video suggestions, and preparation for the Prayer Walk. Originally written as a project for a Perspectives class in July, 1988, it has been revised by Gerry Dueck. 17 pages, and introductory price will be $2. 50 plus $2.00 S&H. Order from Children's Missions Resource Center (address below).
- From Monarch Publishing come two new items: 1)Buddhist Factivities - $6.95 (similar to Muslim Factivities); 2)Window to Haiti - $7.95. Write or call for order form. Canadian and foreign customers, call for correct postage. Monarch Publishing 245 Second Ave NE Milaca MN 56353-1601 Ph. (320) 983-2398 , >From KIDS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE:
- EVERYBODY OUGHT TO KNOW, by Kathy Felty. Excellent Preschool/Kindergarten curriculum, 7 lessons, each 2 hours long, adaptable. Lesson themes taught from a worldview perspective: near & far, big & small, alike & different, hands to serve, hands to give, love your neighbor, and the city. Reproducible pages. Audio tape for teacher. Price is $30.00 and includes 3 ring binder notebook, plus $4. 00 S&H.
- WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ISLAM by Jan Bell & Sandy Koop. Contains 5 lessons in which the World of Islam will be studied through the study of the "P" Words, study of the "5 Pillars", games, discussion and simulation. Price is $20.00 and includes 3 ring binder notebook, plus $4.00 S&H. , Kids Can Make A Difference 4445 WebsterDr. York PA 17402 Ph. 1-800-543-7554 FAX: 717-757-6103 e-mail: [email protected] , For order form or brochures, send to:
Children's Missions Resource Center 1509 Elizabeth Street Pasadena CA 91104 Ph. 818-398-2233 (MTW) FAX: 818398-2263 e-mail: <[email protected]>