Dear Friends
I have prayed so much about the crisis faced by the mission center. .. Since its God's work it's His ultimate responsibility, but I certainly believe God allowed this to happen to awaken His people to the need so more people would pray. I have been greatly blest In daily praying for the Winters. the .1. S. Center for World Mission, and using the Daily Prayer Guide. I awaken at 4 each morning for this purpose. What a oy. Thank you for letting me be a part even though such a small part. God is not small. What a great God we have.
In His love,
-Frances W
Dear Friends,
With great interest and some excitement I have been reading the Au gust September MISSION FRONTIERS which arrived lass week. Now wool friends to read is also.
Sincerely your,
-Mary C.
Spring Valley. CA
Dear Friend,
I got my touch ten' packet and am presently sending off she invitations. But I'm not a founder yet so today's the day!
We will win this battle through prayer and praise, believing faith Our God reigns!
I encourage you keep pressing forward.
In Him
-Mary F. (a new partner)
Dear Dr. Winter,
We at 1st Presbyterian Church are so thankful for how God has used all she efforts of you and USCWM for bringing awareness of the Hidden Peoples and the need for concerned and constant prayer and education. We are excited about a year of learning and joyful praying in our Frontier Fellowship group. Since your visit so Boulder lass September and launching this new focus, God has been working!'
May God richly Bless all of you. Sincerely,
-Marilyn B. Boulder. CO
Your Daily Prayer Guide magazine is outstanding. It is obvious you put a lot of work and time into it. It is well written, concise and very Interesting. I am praying with you hat many other Christians will feel the tame burden to pray for, give and GO to the yes unreached people of our world. Surety your work is one of the most strategic in fulfilling the Great Commission.
-Elaine B. Chatham, NJ
Please accept this love offering toward the payment of the campus debt. It amounts to i two weeks salary which the Lord has impressed on me that you need. My prayer is that all $6 million will be paid off. His is the gold and the silver.
Love in Christ,
-Bob H.
Dear One,
We are praying with you for a great victory. It will be ininteresting to see how God chooses to accomplish this step. Will it be by a boy with a sling shot, or 300 with lamps & pitchers, or some other way we haven't even seen or heard of yet7
God bless you. Thank you VERY MUCH for publishing Robert Thorpis article on GUATEMALA. Even though President Rios Monte is not in the saddle at this time, that article is a big help to let Christians know the truth. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
In His grace.
-Hugh & Berenice P.
Dear friends in Christ
We have prayerfully given and mailed out our 10 testers but want to add our contribution in addition to what our friends will send to you.
It is exciting so see how large His family is. We are so glad to be a part of she family of God!
May God richly bless your project!
In Him,
-Dale C Donna B. San Jose, CA
Enclosed is a check for a 'piece of she rock. I have had so many friends who have benefitted from your industries, and I hope to come down sometime, perhaps for Euro Asian studies. USCWM has strategic importance. and in glad to be able to contribute.
Thanks for your faithfulness in serving the Lord Jesus, His Body, and His World.
-Brad S. Moscow, ID