This is an article from the November-December 1991 issue: IFMA Member Mission

Kids Korner

Kids Korner


THANKS for the mail responses to my last column and the article, "Adopt-A-People for Children." If you did not see the article, you may write me for a free copy of it. Exciting news is that two callers-- one in Oregon and one in Wisconsin--have indicated they are ready to take steps to have children in their church adopt-a-people ! What if every children's group were to do this?! "Go ahead, -- take a People Group to Heaven with you!"

I have completed all seven Regional "Children's Missions Resource Network Guides." They are available separately for $1.00 each (plus $1.00 postage for any number) or all seven for $5.00 (plus $1.00 postage). The regional ones are: SW; NW; MT.Cent; N Cent; GR Lak; NE; & SE.

How about building a children's Missions library in your church library? This could be both teaching materials for adults to use, and books for children to read. Some of the most exciting adventure story books are Missions books. I can send you a recommended book reading list. IDEA-- one person said they were having a regular missionary story hour in the summer in their church library! This could also be done after school hours.

A NEW song, "God's Kaleidoscope," is to go with a Missions video by the same name. It is available from Wycliffe Bible Translators. Written by Debby Rettino, it is a delightful song and comes with all new orders for the video. Write or call Wycliffe at 19891 Beach Blvd. , Huntington Beach, CA 92648 or (714) 969-4600. Cost for video is $15. 00 retail plus shipping.

52 Ways to Teach Missions is a book full of ideas to try. Some samples: come to the Missions Fair, Mission dioramas, making Missions banks, "Share A Spare" for Missions (a fun alternative for Halloween Trick or Treat), etc. Order from Rainbow Books, P.O. Box 261129, San Diego CA 92126. Price is $6.95 retail plus shipping.

The words to the song "Till Every Child Shall Hear," to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" are available from me at the address below.

For Free Newsletter or more information, write me at Children's Missions Resource Center, 1605 Elizabeth Street, Pasadena CA 91104.


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