This is an article from the September-December 1998 issue: New Horizons in Mission

Kids Korner

Kids Korner


Web site improved and corrected! You can easily find all the original resources from the book, Kids for the World plus the '98 Update! We've been working hard to get all the codes of publishers in place, so you can easily find where to get everything!

We apologize for the confusion since the children's resource catalog has been on the Web - but no more! Get us at: childrens catalog. The list of nearly 700 resources is thoroughly updated, as is the publisher's list of 150 entries. There are also listings for projects, teen materials, and leaders' materials. Do visit us!

Free '97 Supplement for your copy of Kids for the World is available with an order for the book, if you order from Children's Mission Resource Center ($9.00 + $2.00 shipping for both). If you already have the book, you need to order the '97 Supplement ( $1.00 plus $1.50 shipping for Supplement alone). Use the address below for these.

Window to Indonesia is the new book by Bev Gundersen. It is a fascinating wealth of information, using activities, stories, songs, Bible verses, and much more. Included also is a special section for preschool and kindergarten students. The activity pages are reproducible for your class. Graded K-6, it is $9.25 plus shipping. Order from:

Monarch Publishing 245 Second Ave NE, Milaca MN 56353-1601 (320) 983-2398 <[email protected]

Ask for her catalog, since all her prices have increased.

T.H.U.M.B. Prints is also new from Monarch. It contains projects for hands-on interactive learning for grades 1-6 on the five basic unreached peoples groups. The T.H.U.M.B. letters represent the Tribals (animists), Hindus, Chinese (traditional), Muslims, and Buddhists. Activity pages are reproducible, graded K-6, $8.25 plus shipping. See address above.

Kids around the World: The Turks, is the new video and curriculum combination from Caleb. The video is narrated by children and features children and adults in various settings in Turkey. The activity booklet accompanies it. $12.00 plus shipping, order from:

Caleb Resources 10 W Dry Creek Circle Littleton CO 80120-4413 Ph. (313) 730-4170 <[email protected]

For Newsletter or brochures, contact: Children's Mission Resource Center 1605 Elizabeth Street Pasadena CA 91104 USA (626) 398-2233 <[email protected]

Children's Mission Resources Has Gone to Her Eternal Home.

Bev Gunderson, active, children's missions author and founder of Monarch Publishing, died on September 29, 1998. Since 1988, she had written about 50 children's mission books. Many of these were filled with activities, crafts and illustrations that Bev designed as well.

One of Bev's latest projects was an article, " Out on a Limb," in Reaching Children at Risk, a publication of Viva Network, an agency in the U.K. She was writing for Viva up to the time of her passing.

Before focusing her work on mission resources for children, Bev had already written 15 children's books with Standard Publishing and eight books with David Cook Publishing.

When she decided to exclusively focus on mission books for children, she could not find a publisher for her materials. Undaunted, she became her own publisher and formed Monarch Publishing. She and her husband, Tom, ran the business from their home in Minnesota.

Tom is a retired pastor, and one of the avenues the Lord used to expand their vision for mission was through their kids. They have two children-both of whom are from other cultures.

Bev was a close friend of Gerry Dueck of the Children's Mission Resource Center. Besides having a wonderful business relationship, they also shared prayer requests with one another. Bev often struggled with intense back pain, but still, she often published a book every month.


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