Kids Korner
Greetings! What a wonderful time in which to be living! The opportunities before us are awesome. God is so wise in orchestrating the events of the world in order to bring ALL Peoples, tongues and tribes to Himself! Listen to how God is working in “The Borneo Invasion.”
Have you or your children’s group prayed for the Zuni people group from the book, From Arapesh To Zuni? How did you think God would answer those prayers? Did you think God could use that Zuni story, then use the 1994 edition of Mission Frontiers which focused on Native Americans, take some missions minded men from Malaysia who were formerly from unreached tribes, send them to the ’95 GCOWE in Korea where they saw that magazine, send the men from Borneo to California USA to visit an Indian reservation, to explore the land, later bring them back to New Mexico, USA, to explore possibilities of sending their first missionaries to the Pueblos? WHEW!! What’s God up to?
And did you think one of these Native American groups they would be visiting is the Zuni Pueblo? All of this did happen when the men visiting the USA in September, stopping at the U S Center for World Mission to give their testimonies. Keep praying for the Zuni people group.
Finally On The WEB! All the resources from the book, Kids for the World are now there: http//’s catalog. The list of over 650 resources is thoroughly updated, as is the publishers list of 150 entries. The listings for projects, teen materials, and leaders’ sections has also been increased.
NEW! Children of the Window 1998 Calendar featuring full page color photos of children from the areas of the 10/40 Window, plus 12 profiles. Call Caleb Resources Resources at 303/730-4170 x343; or e-mail: <[email protected]>
NEW! Bright Ideas! For Missions Education and Involvement, is the fun, interactive material produced by Wycliffe. Focusing mostly on language learning, the 2 sections are for grades 1-6 and teen-adult. Call Wycliffe NRO at 503/652-1662; or <[email protected]>
November 7-8 will find me at the CMTA (GLASS) Convention again here in Pasadena, with an exhibit, along with the Mobilization Division of the USCWM.
For Newsletter or brochures, write or call: Children’s Mission Resource Center 1605 Elizabeth Street Pasadena CA 91104 USA Ph. 626-398-2233 (NEW area code) E-mail: <[email protected]>