This is an article from the January 1983 issue: Third World Missions

Frontier Fellowship Movement

Frontier Fellowship Movement

Advancing on Three Fronts

This month we want to share with you how the Frontier Fellowship movement is progressing rapidly on three exciting fronts: among individuals, among congregations, and among organizations. Participation in each of these fronts provides unique challenges and opportunities.

"Individual "Frontier Prayer" Partners

Individuals are invited to become "partners" in the Frontier Fellowship movement by affirming for themselves the following five goals:

  1. Praying daily for unreached peoples and the frontier mission movement. Prayer must be focused on' all fronts of the movement: educating,laypeople, recruiting and training missionary candidates, funding missionaries and their ministries, and the actual' penetration of new people groups with the Gospel.
  2. Reading daily  about unreached peoples, the frontier mission movement, and God's heart for all peoples  the biblical foundation., for frontier missions. 'The Daily Prayer Guide is a useful source for such information.
  3. Saving loose change daily to be given exclusively for ministry to the world's unreached peoples. The center section of the prayer guide has a label that you can use, to stick onto, a jar as. a reminder.
  4. Gathering monthly with likeminded prayer partners for a time.of collecting loose change offerings, and concentrated learning and prayer.
  5. Sharing_ the. frontier mission vision, with others. Each partner should try to win five other Christians to this daily discipline.

Congregational (or other fellowship group) "Frontier Mission Outposts"

Such "face to face" fellowship groups are invited to become Outposts by affirming the following five goals:

  1. Establishing a Frontier Fund to which loose change' offerings are given and from which such designated monies are forwarded exclusively to frontier mission projects
  2. Initiating the Frontier Fellowship program and regularly scheduling a Frontier Fellowship meeting to which prayer partners bring their loose change, pray,. and learn more about frontier missions.
  3. Providing opportunities for several members of the congregation or group to pursue in¬depth study and training in the area of frontier'  missions. (Books, tapes, study courses and video tapes are available to further update prayer partners on the progress of frontier missions.)
  4. Adopting a frontier people group by name for long term congregational emphasis. . A congregation or fellowship group can "adopt" an unreached people group, previously selected by one or, more mission 'agencies, for prayer and giving.
  5. Sharing your group's frontier mission vision successfully with three other churches: 'or groups; resulting, in three more Outposts The, excitement and, fulfillment of your own group's involvement in the Frontier. Fellowship is' worth 'sharing!

Larger Constituencies (Denominations, Mission Agencies, Colleges, Seminaries, and other Christian organizations)

These larger, ."non face to face" groups are invited to participate on one of three levels:

  1. Participating Agencies have officially committed themselves to certain responsibilities, such as the establishment of a frontier fund and validated frontier mission projects, and to promoting, the larger Frontier Fellowship movement. Participating agencies bave the option of purchasing their own customized Jii Prayer Guide (e.g. Africa Inland Mis.sion, Evangelical Free Church).
  2. Promoting Agencies endorse' and promote'the Frontier Fellowship program (e.g. in their publications) but for one reason or another do not have their own customized booklet nor serve as a channel for funds (e.g. Association of Church Missions Committees).
  3. Validated Agencies do not promotethe. Froriji r Fellowship, as such, but do conduct frontier mission work. They may, thus establish' with the National Coordinating Committee validated frontier projects.

Where do you Fit In?

Have' you shared this exciting movement 'with five of your friends? You may be the key person in introducing your entire church to this vision, for, reaching the Ufl : touched frontiers. ' And in turn., your churchm.ay be key in involing your entire denomination or association Just think of the new prayers. new.. finances, and new recruits for frontier missions that can spring from your faithfulness in sharing this vision!


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