This is an article from the January-February 1979 issue: The Bulletin of the USCWM

Finding and Researching the “Hidden Peoples”

Finding and Researching the “Hidden Peoples” Finding and Researching the “Hidden Peoples”

Institute of Chinese Studies

How do you deal with the everchanging problem of reaching the one quarter of the human race who are Chinese, including the forty million Chinese outside of mainland China. Is the Bamboo Curtain finally cracked for the Gospel? Can we discern God's will and God's way? If missionary enterprise in China in the past has been interpreted as "imperialistic expansion", what should our strategy be now? What form should our witness take? What methods used? What personnel? Hard thinking about these and related questions is the day by day work of this Institute.

"Watchman on the Great Wall", a prayer bulletin for the Chinese world is published by the Institute and brochures and slide presentations on Chinese missions are available on request.

In the Summer of 1979. the Institute of Chinese Studies is offering a summer study program especially for Chinese young people interested in learning more about the needs of the world.

Samuel Zwemer Institute

"I believe our Lord Jesus Christ loves Muslims, longs for them to come to know Him and wants His people to be actively involved in witnessing to and discipling these longneglected people" said Don McCurry, Director of the newly formed Samuel Zwemer Institute. Located on the campus of the U S Center for World Mission, this Institute concentrates on understanding the more than 580 distinct cultural groups comprising the Muslim world. It is involved in active research and experimentation in cooperation with missionaries and mission agencies. It also seeks ways to witness to the thousands of Muslim students studying in universities in Southern California.

The emphasis of the Institute on winning Muslims to Christ has attracted the attention of mission boards. Several have decided to send their missionary candidates to the Institute for training. Practical and academic training is also planned for interested college students, concerned church leaders and lay professionals going to work in the Muslim world. Initial courses are scheduled for June, 1979.

A Global Network

An increasing number of Centers in other countries have also been coming into being, autonomous yet affiliated with the U S Center in Pasadena and dedicated to the same objectives. Centers are now functioning in Scotland, Hong Kong and Korea.

Institute of Hindu Studies

The huge subcontinent of India, now divided into three nations: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, represents one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Tradition tells us the apostle Thomas brought Christianity to India in the first century, yet masses in that land today know nothing of Christ.

Amid the vast mixture of languages and ethnic groups of this huge subcontinent, are some more receptive to the gospel than others? What bridge will be the best avenue to communicate the love of Christ? The Institute of Hindu Studies is seeking to study the work done in the past and to survey the present situation to help find answers to these questions.

Institute of Tribal Studies

The aim of this Institute is to pinpoint unreached tribal peoples around the globe and focus the attention of mission boards and churches upon them. Helped by the discovery and use of "redemptive analogies" from within their own culture, tribal people have often turned to Christ by the hundreds of thousands. Unreached tribes will still respond with equal gusto if only the church of Christ will send culturally sensitive missionaries to them.

Film School to Open in Bombay

India produces more entertainment films than any other country of the world, more than 500 in 1978. Some 70 million Indians attend these movies each week. This provides an unexcelled opportunity for reaching people with the Gospel of Christ through films.

At the request of Christians in India who see this opportunity, International Films (a USCWM member organization) this coming Summer will offer a monthlong Institute of Communications in Bombay to train Christian nationals in the skills of film production. To insure local participation, International Films is collaborating with 3 Christian Indian media organizations. The Institute will offer workshops in audiovisual media at the basic, advanced and professional levels. Visiting faculty will include qualified personnel from other USA Christian film organizations.

In keeping with the goals of the USCWM, International Films is committed to developing new methods for reaching the 2.5 billion "hidden people" around the world.


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