This is an article from the January-February 1984 issue: New Mission Executive for North America’s Largest Sending Agency

Introducing the Global Prayer Digest

The Frontier Fellowship Daily Prayer Guide has a new title...

Introducing the Global Prayer Digest

Global Prayer Digest

Along with the new title, this backbone" of the Frontier Fellowship movement, has a new cover design and a slightly revised format. Beginning in January 1984, the Daily Prayer Guide has become the Global Prayer Digest more clearly reflecting this prayer tool's function of digesting strategic developments in frontier mission, missionary biographies, and news reports.

AND NOW, you have your choice of using one of 18 different "customized" editions of the Global Prayer Digest Each month the National Coordinating Office of the Frontier Fellowship is printing over 30,000 copies of this dynamic prayer booklet. Subscriptions continue to be available at the economical price of $6.00/year for 12 issues (Canadian: $11 U.S.; Foreign: $20 air mail, $13.50 surface]. Choose from the list below and write for your own subscription directly to the agency of your choice.

Frontier Fellowship in the Local Church

How con you explain "Hidden Peoples" and the Frontier Fellowship to young children Sunday

School? USCWM staffer Gerry Dueck here shares her experience:

"Hi, I'm Gerry Dueck, and I think you'll be glad that you're here today because now you're all members of a club! You all like clubs, don't you? The name of this club is a secret till just before you leave, when you will each get a label with the name of the club on it."

Using an exciting introduction with an air of anticipation, I usually get everyone's attention, whether they be 5 or 15 years old, in introducing the concept of the Hidden Peoples to children. If there are still a few who are not paying attention, a hidden child or hidden puppet who repeatedly calls out, "Help, I'm hidden!" usually quiets them. Instructing the children to use the "magic words", "Jesus loves you,' we get the hidden child have other tools my Bible, a globe with some cloth covered areas, large posters depicting people (especially children) in unreached people groups, a container with small bags of rice, an empty loose change jar already labeled, hand puppets or flannel-graph figures of children from other cultures, slips of paper with Hidden People group names on them, and stick on labels for each child with the words "Hidden Peoples Club" on them. Using these tools, I can keep children's attention from 15 to 40 minutes.

By the end of the session, they can all tell me who Hidden Peoples are. Using a variety of activities, simplified mission demographics games, and a song, I repeatedly refer to the term 'Hidden Peoples." I also tell the Burma Plot story by re enacting it with the rice I provide (in small closed plastic baggiest). When asking the children what we could collect instead of rice, we get some amusing responses, such as potatoes or candy. But when I give the group their own loose change jar, already labeled, the children are very eager to drop in their coins. Those who bring coins are each given labels to lake home with the instructions to involve their families in collecting loose change. As they leave, each child is given his or her stick on label and each teacher is given a copy of the Frontier Fellowship Global Prayer Digest.

Teachers and superintendents are urged to do their own regular follow up of missions education about once a month, and I try to give helpful ideas. I suggest they have the loose change jar available

every Sunday. I have prepared a report, with more suggestions and resources for help, that you may obtain by checking the box on page 23 of Mission Frontiers. Child participation and visual aids are the twokeys to not only keeping the children's attention, but leading them to an understanding of who the Hidden Peoples are. Global Prayer Digest to be Used in 3000 New Homes!

The Global Prayer Digest will be in the home of every member of First Evangelical Free Church (Fullerton, California) In February, says Assistant Pastor for Missions Bruce K. Camp. This large church, pattored by Dr. Charles Swindoli, has long been known in southern California for its pragmatic approach to Christian living. Pastor Camp and the Missions Board have carried over this goal oriented tradition to missions. Part of their approach will be the distribution of Some 3300 copies of the Global Prayer Digest (formerly Daily Prayer Guide on February 5.

Pastor Camp believes that his responsibility is to educate the congregation in missions, and to encourage them to pray for world missions. As one approach to this task, every effort will be made to place a copy of the Global Prayer Digest in every home in the church the first Sunday in February. Throughout the month, its contents will find their way into pastoral prayers, and veteran users of the "prayer guide" will share some techniques of application.

Some in the congregation have already been exposed to the Global Prayer Digest Members of the "Potential Missionary Fellowship," a group which meets regularly for education and mutual support, have been encouraged to use the 9L11 Prayer Guide for the last year, as have the Missions Board and church staff.

Frontier Fellowship in the Home - Six year old Steve and the Global Prayer Digest

How can you use the Global Prayer Digest with children in the home? Here's one excellent example, featuring the Waymire family. Robert Waymire is a USCWM Board member, on loan from O.C. Ministries to develop the computer based Global Mapping Project on the USCWM campus.

When Son and Judy Waymire and their six year old son, Steve, recently moved to Pasadena. California, one of the first things they did was to hang a relief map of the world on their living room wall. Why? As an aid to intercession for the peoples of the world!

Each morning after breakfast, Bob, Judy and Stevie gather in the living room to read that day's page in the Frontier Fellowship Global Prayer Digest as well as to read the suggested Bible passage in the Living Bible Although the Global Prayer Digest contains map sections in the margins of its pages in order to help readers locate countries and peoples mentioned in the text, Bob and Judy want Stevie to be able to identify these sane locations in e global context.

Therefore, as Sob or Judy begin each days reading, Stevie sits before the relief flap, pencil poised in one hand and ready to pinpoint the country, region or territory highlighted that day.

After the location is discovered and the page is read, the three Waymires pray together.

A world map helps the Waymires to remember that they are praying for real people in real places. Steve has also colored a separate map, coded to represent different people groups. He says he wishes that there were a world map in his school classroom too so that he could show his friends what he is learning!


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