This is an article from the August-September 1989 issue: Lausanne II

Editorial Comment

Editorial Comment

Dear fellow believer in the completion of the task,

Everyone knows our PURPOSE. Not everyone knows our unusual METHOD. Our purpose is to wave a flag for the unreached peoples. Our method is to work for and through other mission agencies.

We have said for years that once our property was paid off we would not necessarily have any direct contact with the public at all. We would prefer to multiply our efforts by working behind the scenes, helping other organizations do their work with greater and greater focus on the unreached peoples.

  • not amassing a donor list
  • not making as many public appearances as possible not trying “to get known”

Well, then what do we do?

We would like to provide a place where mission agency personnel (retired or not) can come to work together on things helpful to their agencies and all other agencies. About 300 people on our campus each day, with backgrounds in 70 different agencies are now at work on such things.

What things?

  • exploration of the detailed problems in the Muslim challenge (The Zwemer Institute)—for the benefit of other agencies
  • providing graduate degree studies for missionaries and national leaders (of other agencies) who cannot come to the U.S. to study (William Carey International University)
  • steering college students toward other mission organizations (Caleb Resources, Perspectives Study Program)
  • helping local churches hear about other missions to unreached (Posters, low-priced books, Mission Frontiers Bulletin, etc.)
  • helping other organizations to have their own devotional booklet (Global Prayer Digest, also on 500 radio stations under other agencies’ names)
  • assisting local teams across the country to found their own local Centers to served all churches and all agencies. (Regional offices now in Boston, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Chicago, Minneapolis, Jackson, Baton Rouge, Denver, Portland.)
  • assisting students to set up annual mission conferences presenting all agencies, for all students in an entire region (We first helped with one in So. Calif—SCOWE—now there are similar annual regional student conferences in Portland, Midwest, North East, South East, etc.)

Well, this is only an illustrative list. What about Global Mapping International!…etc. The main thing this list lacks is the broad, public recognition of the U.S. Center as such. We are content to be out of sight completely—but don’t stop praying! We do lack staff. In fact, many of our staff have left now for more direct ministries. And churches don’t as easily support those who want to stay.


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