Seek God’s Face at the International Prayer Assembly for World Evangelization
Seoul, Korea June 5 11, 1984
The International Prayer Assembly for World Evangelisation in Seoul. Korea, to be co-sponsored June 5-11. 1984 by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and the Korean Evangelical Fellowship, will feature prayer for a different continent each day. In addition to Inspirational and theological teaching from plenary speakers from a different continent each day, there will be groups of people meeting by continent and by country in smell groups to seek Cod's face in daily directed prayer sessions.
Experienced prayer leaders will conduct workshops, giving instructions on enhancing one's personal prayer life, mobilizing the church to pray, encouraging city wide prayer movements and praying for worldwide, heaven sent revival. Resource people will include Dick Eastman, David Bryant. Dr. J. Edwin Orr, Evelyn Christenson, Cottfried Osei Mensah, Dr. David Howard, Dr. Paul Cedar, Dr. William Bright, Joy Damson. and Rev. Aretin Gesswein.
Special sessions will be conducted for pastors, laymen, youth, women, missionaries and Christian workers, and for the blind and deaf. Each session will find these people uniting in specific and strategic prayer. The planning committee for the prayer assembly believes that people will return to their countries having met with God and will be equipped to mobilize for world evangelization in their spheres of influence.
"History reveals that evangelism alone seldom results in revival, but revival always produces evangelism,' states Mrs. Vonette Bright, who chairs the Lausanne Committee's Intercession Advisory Group.
"Spirit directed prayer that meets God's conditions can produce revival. Christians from all over the world have poured their energies and finances into evangelism and discipleship efforts, often with spectacular results. Yet in looking at world conditions today, we might ask why we as Christians are not making a greater impact, stressed Mrs. Bright.
Registration deadline for the International Prayer Assembly has passed, but a few openings may still be available. Those interested in attending may write to: International Prayer Assembly for World Evangelization. P.O. Box 6826, San Bernardino. California, U.S.A. 92412.
The International Prayer Assembly will climax with a Pentecost Sunday celebration with thousands of people gathering in Seoul, Korea, on June 10. 1954, to unite in prayer for world evangelization. It is anticipated that a television satellite hook up will enable churches and groups gathered in the United Stales (and perhaps in other countries) to loin the Seoul prayer meeting at the same time.