This is an article from the January-March 1999 issue: Women and Missions

MF Behind the Scenes

An Open Invitation to Our Readers to Join Us as Partners in Reaching the Unreached

MF Behind the Scenes

What is Mission Frontiers all about and where is it headed? What are its goals? You may have wondered about this yourself.

For some time now I have been asking myself, "How well do our readers know and understand what we are trying to accomplish with this humble publication called Mission Frontiers?" Do our readers just look to us for information and entertainment like most magazines or do they see us as a ministry opportunity.

In this column I would like to present to you our vision for Mission Frontiers and how you can participate with us in accomplishing our mission.

The goal of Mission Frontiers Magazine and its related media ministries of print, E-mail and Web publishing is to powerfully communicate to the Body of Christ worldwide the vision of reaching the unreached peoples. Our desire is to mobilize mission agencies, churches and students around the world to focus their efforts and resources on establishing an indigenous church-planting movement within each of the unreached peoples. We seek to do this by providing our readers with the critical news, information, strategies, resources and inspiration that will equip them to become actively and intelligently involved in going to the unreached and/or sharing the vision of reaching the unreached peoples.

Unlike most publications which are designed just to inform and inspire, we are looking to mobilize and equip our readers with a vision for specific and concrete involvement in reaching the unreached peoples--either as mobilizers at home or missionaries on the field. In every issue we seek to provide you with opportunities for you to get involved. We hope that you will be able to take advantage of many of them. Our success is measured by how well we are able to equip you and a growing number of others for active involvement on behalf of the unreached.

Essentially we are evangelists of the vision of reaching the unreached peoples. We believe that the only thing keeping the Body of Christ from reaching the unreached is a lack of vision. And like other evangelists we need your help to share this vision with those with whom you have contact. We want to communicate this vision with a growing number of followers of Christ who have yet to hear, understand and accept the calling of the Great Commission. We cannot accomplish this without your help. This is why I am inviting you to join us as partners in this vision-sharing ministry. We need your help on a variety of levels.

Here are a few ways that you can be involved in the ministry of MF.

1. Volunteer your time at home. We need people to:

    a. Become distributors for Mission Frontiers. You can order extra copies to give to your pastors, mission committee members, and students. This is an easy way to help share the vision.

    b. Take on specific Web-based programming projects at home.

    c. Become a news and research assistant, gathering stories for us. Reports from specific countries regions, agencies and denominations would be very helpful.

    d. Help us clean up the Mission Frontiers mailing list. This would involve calling a list of people in your local area who receive MF to see if they would like to continue receiving it. You would then send us the names of those to be taken off our list. We would supply you with the names of people to contact, but the cost of the local telephone calls would be at your expense. Through this telephone connection you could sponsor an MF House Party of believers in your area from many churches who are eager to mobilize your community to reach the unreached peoples.

2. Please pray for Mission Frontiers. Pray that God will provide additional staff. Our small staff often feels overwhelmed with all the things that are involved in producing Mission Frontiers. We need help in the areas of graphics and Web publishing, advertising, writing, editing and research, not to mention bookkeeping and database management. If you have skills in these areas please contact us. If you know of someone who does, please invite them to contact us. Pray also that God would bless each issue as it goes out around the world.

3. Partner with us financially. We need all of our readers who believe in this ministry to help us financially, whether it is $15 a year or $15 a month. We hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting us on a regular ongoing basis to help us spread this vision for the unreached peoples. We are looking for just 1,000 people who will commit to a monthly donation of $15 or more or an annual gift of $142 or more. Whatever you can do would be greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out to Mission Frontiers and mailed to the address below. See next page for more information.

As you can see there are many ways that you can be involved in partnership with us. Whatever way you choose to help us, please let us hear from you soon. LetÕs work together to reach the unreached.

To volunteer your time at home, please E-mail us at [email protected] or call 626-398-2121.


God bless you for the good work that you doing for Him. Please i also want to voluteer my time at home in Ghana for this work.

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