This is an article from the February 1983 issue: Dr. Lawrence Keyes

Meet/Greet/Congratulate Larry Keyes!

Meet/Greet/Congratulate Larry Keyes!

Bang, bang, bang!

  1. Richard Chase left the presidency of Biola University to become Wheaton's sixth president.
  2. Biola called on Clyde Cook, who was then president of Overseas Crusades, to be Biola's new president.
  3. No problem! Overseas Crusades then simply reached down to Brazil to bring their field director, Larry Keyes, to be the new president of Overseas Crusades. Indeed, they have a lot of people who could have ably filled the gap.

And, don't worry. Brazil won't suffer. OC is simply loaded with talent. So are most mission agencies. That's right, the world of missions is loaded with leaders. Although the only ones I can think of offhand, Biola, Columbia, Nyack and our own WCIU don't have to be the only colleges with former mission leaders as presidents. (Please tell us of others you know about!) Take another look. There are enough competent, highly trained missionaries out there to head up all U. S. colleges now run by Christians. Plus a few more besides.

Due, to the progressive outlook of mission leaders and thanks to the traditional furlough system often spent in advanced education, missionaries in general over the years tend to become more highly educated than other fulitime Christian workers. And Dr. Larry Keyes is a good example. His mission, as the following interview reveals, is an especially progressive example.

Not only is the "mission field" loaded with missionaries in the process of becoming unusually gifted leaders, mission field churches as well are teeming with extraordinary leaders today. In view of this fact, Overseas Crusades has for years performed a friendly, helping, very strategic role overseas. As a mission it has not started new work but has aided all other missions in the development of national leadership, especially along the lines of evangelism and church growth. OC has been a "service mission" rather than a church planting mission as such. In some cases, as in the Philippines, OC missionaries have helped to develop breathtaking nationwide strategies. See the book by OC's Jim Montgomery, The Discipling of a Whole Nation

However, as you read this interview you will be stunned by the extreme import of this particular missionary heading up this particular agency. Can OC now give greater attention to helping in the development of Third World mission agencies (not just evangelistic efforts)? Truly, we are reading a continuing story! Be prepared to see a time bomb go off as hundreds and thousands of additional Third World leaders move into true mission outreach.


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