This is an article from the April-May 1989 issue: Paraclete

Look at What God’s Done!

An Unbelievable 15 Years!

Look at What God’s Done!

A Playful Update of Article 9 of the Lausanne Covenant

Ralph D. Winter was one of a series of speakers recently invited to expound one of the articles of the magnificent "Lausanne Covenant" -- from the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization held at Lausanne, Switzerland.  His assignment was Article Nine, "The Urgency of World Evangelization." As he  looked closely at this particular portion of the covenant, the fact came home to him like a sledgehammer blow. In 15 years, GOD'S MIGHTY WORK HAD OUTMODED  THE VERY FINEST INSIGHTS OF 1974! Thus, here is a playful "update" of how  this article might sound if it were written today in 1989.

The 1974 Version of Article 9

More than 2,700 million people, which is more than two-thirds of mankind, have yet to be evangelised. We are ashamed that so many have been neglected; it is a standing rebuke to us and to the whole church. There is now, however, in many parts of the world an unprecedented receptivity to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are convinced that this is the time for churches and para-church agencies to pray earnestly for the salvation of the unreached and to launch new efforts to achieve world evangelization. A reduction of foreign missionaries and money in an evangelised country may sometimes be necessary to facilitate the national church's growth in self-reliance and to release resources for unevangelised areas. Missionaries should flow ever more freely from and to all six continents in a spirit of humble service. The goal should be, by all available means and at the earliest possible time, that every person will have the opportunity to hear, understand, and receive the good news. We cannot hope to attain this goal without sacrifice. All of us are shocked by the poverty of millions and disturbed by the injustices which cause it. Those of us who live in affluent circumstances accept our duty to develop a simple life-style in order to contribute more generously to both relief and evangelism.

The Proposed 1989 Version

Only 3,400 million people, which is barely seven for each truly-believing Christian, have yet to be evangelised. We are amazed that so few are still to be reached; it is a standing tribute to the power of the Holy Spirit and to the living, growing Body of Christ. We rejoice that there is now, in many parts of the world, unprecedented growth and opportunity for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are convinced that this is the most crucial moment of history for churches and para-church agencies to pray earnestly for the penetration of the remaining unreached groups and to launch new efforts to make that possible by the year 2000. We do not feel that a reduction of foreign missionaries and money in evangelised countries is wise, since it is both necessary and highly strategic to facilitate the national church's growth in self-reliance in its own mission outreach so as to reach out to the remaining unevangelised peoples of the area. Missionaries will flow ever more freely from and to all six continents in a spirit of humble service. The goal is, by all possible means and at the earliest possible time, that every person will have the opportunity to hear, understand, and receive the good news from someone representing a believing fellowship among his own people. We fully expect to attain this goal with willing sacrifice. All of us are shocked by the poverty of millions and disturbed by the injustices which cause it. Those of us who live in affluent circumstances accept our duty to avoid a simple life-style for its own sake, and to adopt a wartime lifestyle in order to contribute more generously to both relief and evangelism, knowing that only the completion of the evangelistic task will enable the return of Christ such that He alone “shall wipe away every tear.... [In that day] there will no longer by mourning, crying, pain, or death...." (Rev. 21:4).


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