This is an article from the January-March 1985 issue: Student Missions Urbana ‘84



Dear friends,

I have wondered for many years why such an organization as sours didn't exist. It is so wonderful to see my dream take place. Cod Is certainly doing some wonderful things these days.

Evelyn R. Los Angeles, CA

Dear friends (In the Frontier Fellowship office!:

We began receiving the GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST in February this year. and from the first issue the contents riveted my attention. The vignettes of other cultures are as colorful as a page from the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, b"t because of the spiritual Implications, the stories are more gripping.

The concise yet vivid missionary biographies are humbling and also challenging. Truly your writers are being anoInted and used by the Holy Spirit. I do pray for them and for the office staff and all who carry on the mechanics of this thrilling work for the King! And of course I pray daily for the Hidden Peoples as well! ........

I doubt If I have "tossed out" a single Issue of my beloved PRAYER DIGEST. The copies are underlined for quotable parts; sometimes clipped apart for distribution to this or that individual with an interest in some feature; and sometimes stapled together far a small, continuous biography, to share when the right person comes along. And with this letter, it gives my husband and me groat pleasure to be able to send a few gift subscriptions.

Anabel M. Santa Barbara, CA

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Winter.

My sister loaned me The Kingdom Strikes Beck, which she had received from you. Once I began reading it I could not put It down. The words that came to mind forcefully as I concluded reading It were (to paraphrase), "Did not my heart burn within me as He talked with me by the way?" Truly it was as though He had been walking with me and telling of the things He has been accomplishing through His obedient servants.There Is a light at the end of the tunnel  there Is hope that the lob can get none. How I thank God that you have not been disobedient to the heavenly vision He gave you. Your total dedication to the vision you know you received from Him, even though you have felt so alone in t at times, is a tremendous inspiration.

Muriel A. Strathmore. AB, Canada

Dear friends,

Enclosed Is my tiny gift to apply on the debt. I have read your editorial with Interest in the 'foreclosure,'

You are getting many helpful suggestions and who am I to suggest anything  but I feel that the Interested churches and missionaries should realize that this "base' must he paid for or these folk cannot go prepared to the field.

An army without a fort or base where the soldiers are trained and equipped for battle Is absolutely helpless. It can't get off the ground. i hope the various churches interested may see this and raise this money for the has..

Mrs. Mae Galena, KS

Dear friends at USCWM,

With the reading of The Kingdom Strikes Back and of the August and September Issues of Mission Frontiers I am finally sold on the importance of what you are saying to the point I am willing and anxious to give time and effort toward enlisting new founders.Please send me either the Grapevine letter or the "I'll Touch Ten" letter or whichever plan you have available to help me enlist new founders.

My heart was moved at the reading of The Kingdom Strikes Back, and I'm sorry that it did not happen sooner. I trust that this latest foreclosure problem has at least been temporarily solved and that we still have time to act before September 1, 1955.

Harvey W. Tabasco, MexicoDear Or, Winter and IJSCWM Staff:

Just a congratulatory note regarding your last MISSION FRONTIERS publication (August 'as)! What a marvel it is! Soundly impeccable, up front, honest, a repository of sound, solid missions information and inspiration!

Your article lays bare your heart and pulse beat. Thank youfor your transparency. Dr. Robertson McOuilkin's article (excerpt). 'The Great Omission." was masterfully done! His razor sharp mind and pen cuts right through the fleshly excuses of the non involved!

It Is apparent .... God has raised you both up .... "for such a time as this!"

Art Y. Gradenton. FL


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