Greetings In Christ,
I praise God for the Global Prayer Digest The Lord is teaching me about prayer through your publication. Through Wycliffe, I am praying daily for the Cacti tribe. It was exciting to see the Gamti people on top of one of your pages to be prayed for one day!
-Jill M. Park Rapids. MN
Dear Dr. Winter,
Thanks for your excellent article about Wycliffe. Being a Wycliffe member. I was very interested in the excellent way you presented the task of reaching these "Hidden Peoples. When I read about the involvement WEST members may have In becoming Founders. I felt an urgent response inside my heart saying,I surely want to share in this project. So as I shared this need with my wife, we agreed that each one of us in our family will become a rounder. We have three small children who will someday become involved in reaching these "Hidden Peoples,' and they will be glad to know that they are Founders of such a great outfit as you!
-David N. Palatine, IL
Dear friends,
Some of us here on board the Logos have been using your monthly Global Prayer Dloest and find then so helpful and challenging. There are several key people that I know that I would like to introduce this Global Prayer Digest to .... I would be thrilled If they got excited about this magazine and encouraged other subscriptions. Thank yot' very much for your help.
-Frank F. M.V. Logo
Dear "frontier" friends,
I hope this short note brings encouragement and added spiritual vigor when I say how appreciative I am for the work of USCWM. I can say that I wholeheartedly praise our missionary God for raising up a group of end time harvesters and instilling within their hearts a vision and global commission that will not die.
Thank you for sending the Mission Frontiers bulletin. I held It a privilege and an honor to become a founder of the Center. I plan to contact my local Baltimore coordinator for the "Touch Ten" campaign and disseminate some of the packets and brochures to personal friends and churches during my traveling.
-Michael D Baltimore, MD
Dear USCWM staff.
I thank God for all of you and for the work that you are doing. You have been instrumental in helping me to develop a vision for frontier missions. I want so share my vision with my church land hopefully with other area churches). Along with the other materials that I have requested, I would like you to send me one "Hope Chest." I am not sure yet how I will distribute all of those invitations, but I will pray about it and for all of you and I will "expect great things from God, attempt great things for Cod."
-Michael R. Oxford, Ml
The more I realize how many Christian organizations rely upon your research efforts, the more I appreciate your work too!
-Inge M. Colorado Springs. CO
Dear friends,
I have just finished reading the hook, Once More Around JerichoWhat a challenging book to my faith I really hope many, many read it and are as impressed as I have been.
-Mrs. Ben H. Ecuador
Dear sirs:
For two months I've had it in mind to write you, and tell you how much I have enjoyed "the Prayer Guide." I saw a documentary on public TV. and the Hmong people were mentioned and I was led to pray for them and to my delight I found a page on them in "the Guide" I am ordering a Guide for myself and a gift to a friend in Canada. May God continue to bless.
-Mrs. Joseph M. East £toothhay. ME
Dear Editor,
I have been reading Mission Frontiers for some time. It has encouraged, challenged and inspired me to pursue Cod's global plan for my life. I especially appreciate the close up articles on particular mission heads and motivators.I would like to see more written on people who I can relate to, in particular women in in missions. So much has been contributed by women but their coverage has been neglected. I think of women like Elisabeth Eliot, Carol Richardson, Roberta Winter, Joy Dawson. Their additions to the Global expansion of the Gospel are vital. On behalf of all "World" Christian women I ask if you could use your publication as an instrument to focus on such inspiration?
-Barbara K. Pasadena Ca.