This is an article from the December 1982 issue: Transforming Mission Fields into Mission Bases



Dear Ralph:

Please accept this gift as an expression of our love and appreciation for you and your missionary vision. Wycliffe is blessed by your ministry in many ways. Your emphasis has brought a new focus and priority in the church to the minority groups. Part of the spin off has been a renewed interest in Bible translation. You will be happy to know that recruitment for Wycliffe in the U.S. this year is up 100% over 1980. We will be sending to the field about 250 career members, plus 200 short term recruits in 1982. It is by far the biggest recruitment year in Wycliffe's history in this country. These results we accept as an answer to prayer and an indication of God's purposes. We also believe God has used you and other colleagues in the ministry to create a climate which has produced these results...

With love and appreciation,

-Bernie May, U.S. Director Wycliffe Bible Translators

Dear Len (Bartlotti),

These Daily Prayer Guides are inspired and written by the Holy Spirit! Please use my enclosed order to see how much I appreciate them. (Ed., He ordered 50 Dec. and 500 January copies!)

How I loved the Nov. 1st one about our Servant! How I learnt a powerful new idea about the "smelly fisheries" of Galilee! (Nov. 2)... Thank you more than I can express for the excellence of the Daily Prayer Guides. May the Holy Spirit keep on writing them!

Your fellow soldier in the Frontier warfare,

-Nigel Buxton, Ontario,Canada

Dear Fellow workers,

I am so happy to know that it is not too late to help in purchasing the Pasadena property, and stand with you in prayer that the Lord will provide all that is needed. While on the field I was unable to send the amount you are requesting, but now on furlough it is a privilege to have a small part in this work which I believe the Lord is already using in His church around the world...

Sincerey yours, in Christ,

-Gerald L. Carrier

Dear Friends at F. F.,

Praise the Lord! Each Sunday at the opening of Sunday School, I share about missions, focusing mainly on the Hidden Peoples. Nearly everyone is saving loose change. Our first combined offering totalled over $120.00. The first $15 is coming to the Center for the founding budget. The remainder has been divided equally and sent to Wycliffe Bible Translators and World Vision, MARC division.

God bless you,

-Karin Hastings

[Editor's note: Many organizations and churches which are participating in the Frontier Fellowship campaign are sending the first $15 from every participant to the IJSCWM. All the rest is used for a frontier somewhere or to advance the frontier cause. Some have used some of their money to help advance the Frontier Fellowship, itself. This is very appreciated as we have no other funding for that purpose.]

Dear UPFF,

Praise the Lord! My wife brought back the UPFF Daily Prayer Guide from the States. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'm working as a missionary in Korea with special emphasis on encouraging Korean young people to consider frontier missions.

In Christ,

-Jefferson Ritchie Presbyterian Mission, Korea

Dear Dr. Winter.

It gives me great joy to enclose a check for $5000.00 to help with your quarterly payments for the U.S. Center for World Mission. Please treat it as an anonymous, one time gift. Your work needs this even more than I do.

I am still searching for a volunteer teaching position in some "mission field ...."

With all my wishes for God's blessings,


Dear S.H.,

I would like to have 30 single issues of the Nov. issue of Frontier Fellowship Prayer Guide. I believe that the Lord wants me to give a prayer guide to the members of my Bible study (from church) and to the members of the Christian medical fellowship at the UCLA School of Medicine (I am a medical student)... My eyes are opening wider and wider through this type of intercessory prayer...

In His name,

-Robin Martell


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