This is an article from the March 1984 issue: Revolution in Missions at Trinity

Leaders Discuss Student Ministries & Frontier Missions

Leaders Discuss Student Ministries & Frontier Missions

Pasadena, CA  The "Consultation on Mobilizing for Frontier Missions," sponsored by the International Student Leaders' Coalition for Frontier Missions (ISLCFM), met from November 27 30, 1983 at the premises of WORLD CHRISTIAN Magazine in Pasadena, California. Thirty delegates from 16 states, representing 21 organizations (who minister to over 200,000 students) came together for three days to focus on how they might direct students towards a greater involvement in world evangelization.

The consultation program had a significant emphasis on the need for leaders to encourage students to become "senders" within the local church as well as challenging then to pursue missionary careers. Plenary addresses were heard from Or. Sam Wilson, director of World Vision's MARC division, Dr. Ralph Winter, director of the U.S. Center for World Mission and Dr. Paul Cedar, senior pastor of the Lake Avenue Congregational Church.

Work was done in task forces by the delegates in the areas of prayer, church mobilization, missionary candidates, mission curriculum and mission resource distribution. All the delegates expressed the need for similar consultation gatherings in other regions of the U.S.

At the consultation, the ISLCFM announced that it will be conducting the student program at the Lausanne International Prayer Assembly in South Korea on June 5, 1984, as well as convening an "International Consultation on Mobilizing Youth" in Thailand for 0 days in January, 1986.

The ISLCFM is a network of leaders of different ministries concerned about directing students towards an involvement in world evangelization. The ISLCFM publishes the "International Journal of Frontier Missions" on a quarterly basis to help serve leaders in this area.

For more information on the Journal, the upcoming events, or the consultation final report, write Gordon Aeschliman, ISLCFM, P.O. Box 40010, Pasadena, CA 91104.


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