Keep the Ball Rolling
It was a night to remember, April 10, 1980. It was my 11th class as a new program coordinator of the PERSPECTIVES course at State College. Pennsylvania.
Earlier that evening I had introduced the guest speaker to the seventy students who had enrolled in the course.
For two hours we had been on the edge of our seats, listening to Roberts Winter share the drama and exploits of Cod's servants as they labored in world evangelization down through the centuries.
As Mrs. Winter's lecture concluded, a student named Bruce asked her, "Mrs. Winter, what are you trying to say to us?"
She paused for a moment and then said, "I guess what I am saying is that the ball that has been carried down through the centuries is now in your court."
I have never forgotten that truth. The future of the Church really does rest with young leaders lice those students Sirs. Winter was sharing with.
For over ten years God has led me and many others to serve as program coordinators of the PERSPECTIVES Study Program. We believe the future of the church rests with younger leaders.
Coordinating a PERSPECTIVES Study Program is a part time service position. There is work to do but rewards come as well.
In between the details of picking up professors at the airport each week, setting up for class or grading papers, there is always time for listening and sharing with students.
And students want to hear what God can do in and through them as they begin to see the whole world as Cod sees it.
Since January over 1000 students have taken PERSPECTIVES Study Program in their own area because of people who, like yourself, have received training from she Institute of International Studies to become program coordinators.
But thousands of students are still waiting so discover their role in world evangelization and there are hundreds of "Bruces" ready to pick up the bell in world evangelization.
Whether through a Joshua or a John Mark, a St. Francis or a Billy Graham, God has always been about the business of helping his Church to see the fields ripe for harvest.
And the amazing thing is that tie has done it so often by raising up younger men and women to positions of leadership.
Maybe you or someone you know could be the link to bring the PERSPECTIVES program to students in your area.
This summer she Institute is conducting its filth bi annual workshop for people who believe that the future of the church rests with younger leadership. leadership.
Join us.... artd let's keep the ball rolling.